Peter Dickinson
Dear Colleagues,
What a shock it must have been to learn that the Chimpanzees had got out of their enclosure in Chester Zoo. And a joy because they operate a double security system, acted efficiently and professionally and dealt with a small problem before it became a big one. Well done Chester.
Ranugan Zoo in Jakarta, Indonesia gets a mention again this week. I can hear my critics groaning under their breath 'oh no he is not bringing that up again'. Yes I am. A bit of video footage for you to watch. I have gone on and on about the plight of the Orangutans in this zoo. Do a search in the Yahoo ZooNews Digest archives if you don't believe me. Years have passed without a change. Months have passed since SEAZA (apparently) investigated and nothing has been done. As it appears I am unlikely to get the requested sponsorship to attend the Conference in Korea (see last week) I will not be able to ask questions. I hope someone else will.
A ten year old Nile Monitor is the latest virgin birth in the world of reptiles. Amazing. Food for thought.
DNA tests are being done on the Orangutans removed from Taiping Zoo (see last week). Important? Yes it is. It is important to establish their origin. I am less clear as to how "DNA results would help prosecutors determine the type of charge for those responsible". The animals were illegally held and Taiping have given their very plausible explanation. What has DNA got to do with anything? I have not seen anything about the missing animals.
Delighted to read about the elephant calf in Taronga. I do hope it does well. I am though worried about the animals in Chiang Mai Safari Park.
The Panda cub in Chiang Mai Zoo was put on paid view this past week (they made 100,000 Thai Baht) and the little beast has boosted visitor numbers to the city. Please look at the video of the link. See the Orangutan in the parade. The Panda Cub is in an incubator yet again. Who exactly is rearing it?
Tippi Hendren! Ohmygosh!! She is asking Michael Jacksons fans to support legislation to ban breeding Tigers for use as pets. Great. I am all for it. 100% behind such a proposal. Why then does Ms Hendren pose with a Lion in the news link? It gives exactly the opposite message... 'do as I say folks not as I do'.
This Weeks Hubs:
Zoo Related
Malabon Zoo in Manila in the Philippines
This Hub is zoo related in as much as it will be of interest to anyone working in a zoo fish kitchen..or with garlic or onions:
Magic Metal Soap for Effective Odour Removal
Brief mention of Civet Cats
Coffee with a Lift a Nation on the Rise
Do you use it on Bird of Prey Chicks?
Brand's Chicken Essence The Ultimate Pick Me Up And Hangover Cure
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Hubpages are brilliant, quick to create webpages which can earn you a small passive income from day one. Read my "Quick Guide to Hub Construction."
I truly believe it will be worth your while.
This Weeks Books of Interest to the Zoo Professional
On with the links:
Zoo's 30 chimps escape enclosure
Thirty chimpanzees have escaped from their enclosure at a zoo in Cheshire, forcing it to be closed.The animals found their way into a nearby keepers' area, where their food is usually prepared, at about 1240 BST, Chester Zoo said. A spokeswoman for the zoo said the animals had been contained and the zoo was closed as a security measure. How the animals came to leave their quarters is not known but they were not in an area accessed by the public. Sarah Jones, from Chester, was among the visitors at the zoo when the animals left their enclosure. "My two young boys had only
Inquiry into zoo's chimp escape
An investigation is under way into how 30 chimpanzees escaped their enclosure at Chester Zoo, forcing its evacuation.The primates found their way into a nearby keepers' area, where their food is usually prepared, on Sunday afternoon, the zoo said. Although the area is secure, about 5,000 visitors were asked to leave the zoo site as a security measure. Zoo director general Gordon McGregor-Reid has apologised for the inconvenience to visitors. The animal alert went out at 1240 BST after the chimpanzees were discovered in the kitchen area, Chester Zoo said. How the animals came to leave their quarters is not known but they were not in an area accessed by the public. The Zoo's blacksmith was visiting the area on Monday to examine the door latches. 'Safety first'Mr McGregor-Reid said: "Somehow or other they got into the kitchen - it must have been the smell of the bananas or something like that." "It was a bit like an old-
Lizard's birth is 'virgin' on the miraculous
IT is being hailed as an "immaculate conception" -- but not in the Biblical sense. The world-first birth from a virgin lizard at a reptile farm in Co Kilkenny has left scientists scratching their heads. Nice, a 10-year-old Nile monitor lizard, has lived at the Reptile Village Zoo in Gowran, Co Kilkenny, since she was a hatchling and never had any contact with a male lizard.Curator James Hennessy said the birth was a "miracle of nature", which has never occurred in captivity anywhere in the world before. Amazing "This phenomenon is known as parthenogenesis and has never been known to occur in this species before," he said. Mr Hennessy said Nice, who is one of two female Nile monitors at the zoo (the other is called Nasty) laid about 12 eggs. "Both the lizards lay eggs most years, but we usually just throw them out," he said. "I decided to put the eggs in an incubator and see what happened. I'm still not 100pc sure why I did it this year, but I'm glad I did."
World first as Kilkenny virgin lizard reproduces
A KILKENNY reptile zoo has reported the world’s first birth to a virgin lizard previously thought incapable of reproduction without a mate.While other species of lizard are known to give birth by parthenogenesis – an asexual form of reproduction – James Hennessy, curator of Reptile Village Zoo in Gowran said one of its female Nile Monitor lizards had reproduced, despite having never been in contact with a male.“This has never been known to occur in this species before,” he said. “There have been two cases of parthenogenesis recorded in Komodo Dragons – a different species of Monitor lizard found only in Indonesia – but never in Nile Monitor species from Africa, so this is a first in the world.”Mr Hennessy said the zoo’s Monitor lizard – a species commonly found in west and central Africa – recently laid a number of eggs, two of which turned out to be fertile.“Having a Nile Monitor reproduce in captivity is an accomplishment in itself, but what makes this even more amazing is that the female has never been with a male lizard. I was absolutely shocked.”The young lizard was too weak to hatch
Elephant calf born at Taronga
SYDNEY has welcomed the first elephant born in Australia.The male calf was born to Asian elephant Thong Dee in Taronga Zoo's Elephant Barn about 3.08am yesterday.After a three-hour labour, Thong Dee, who was a street elephant in Bangkok, was surprised by the calf and took time to calm down.She greeted the new baby by touching his trunk. By morning, he was trying to suckle, which zookeepers say is excellent news."Although it's very soon since the delivery, the early signs are good and we will monitor mother and calf very closely, providing every possible support," zoo director Guy Cooper said in a statement.He said zoo staff had been eagerly anticipating the birth."They were with her throughout the
DNA tests being done on orang utans
The Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhi- litan) is conducting DNA tests on two baby orang utans which were confiscated from the Taiping Zoo last month.Perhilitan director-general Datuk Abdul Rashid Samsudin said the DNA results would help prosecutors determine the type of charge for those responsible.“We need to find out what species the orang utan are, and the results will determine what action can be taken,” he said
Hong Kong Ocean Park to raise admission fee by 20%
Hong Kong Ocean Park announced Wednesday that it will raise its admission fee by about 20 percent on Aug.1. The single ticket for adults will cost 250 HK dollars (about 32 U.S. dollars), compared with the current 208 HK dollars while the child ticket will rise by 22 HK dollars to 125 HK dollars. In terms of the annual pass, the fee will be up 67 HK dollars to 695 HK dollars for adults and 37 HK dollars up to 350 HK dollars for children. Meanwhile, children younger than three years old and elders aged above 65 will still have free access to the park. Ocean Park Chairman Allan Zeman said the price hike
Tippi Hedren says she's told Michael Jackson's former pet tigers about his death
Actress and animal advocate Tippi Hedren, who runs the Shambala reserve, which now houses Michael Jackson's pet tigers, says she has notified the animals of their former owner's death. "I went up and sat with them for a while and let them know that Michael was gone," Hedren told AFP. "You don't know what mental telepathy exists from the human to the animal. But I hope they understood."Jackson asked his longtime veterinarian to find the best homes available for his animals when his private zoo was being dismantled, according to a statement on Shambala's website. The vet suggested the Acton, Calif., reserve, which houses about 70 big cats, for Jackson's two Bengal tigers. The tigers, named Thriller and Sabu, arrived at Shambala in 2006. (See video of them at the wake of Jackson's death, Hedren is urging his mourning fans to take action for the big cats he loved by supporting legislation to ban breeding them for use as pets.
Newly-arrived baby elephants' monitoring period comes to end
The four newly brought baby elephants will be accessible to general public from today (Thursday) as the 48 hours monitoring period has come to an end on Wednesday, The Nations learnt. Great jubilation was observed in the Safari Park, when four baby elephants were witnessed trumpeting in the quarantine station, but the visitors were not allowed for the spectacle till Wednesday due to 48 hours strict monitoring of the loving species. After passing 48 hours in the Safari Park, the baby elephants, imported from Tanzania are quite relax and enjoying the new environment. Keeping in view this condition of the species, the city government authorities have decided to open the quarantine stations for the general public from to on Thursday evening. Informed sources said that two elephants handling experts, who came along with the elephants from Tanzania to monitor the quarantine period, has permitted the Safari Park authorities to allow the public visiting at the quarantine station of elephants to see the new animals during the evening time. The EDO, Community Development Department (CDD), Rehana
Elephant import to Karachi triggers customs row
A row is simmering after four baby elephants donated by the Tanzanian government to the City District Government Karachi (CDGK), arrived in the city, sources said yesterday. Sources said the CDGK termed the elephants of “no commercial value”, but a freight of approximately $6,000 was mentioned. The customs, however, provisionally considered the price of the four baby African elephants to be around $10,000 and hence
Confiscated Orangutan Photo
Department of Wildlife and National Parks officer Ahmad Julaihi nurses "Tattoo" a seven-month-old baby orangutan at his offices in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday. Tattoo was one of three baby orangutans rescued last weekend from an ostrich breeder and a zoo in northern Malaysia. The zoo and breeder could face up to six years in prison if>itle=Day%20in%20Pictures&pubdate=7/02/2009
Baby Rhino in Good Health, Say Officials
THE five-day-old baby rhino at Nakitoma in Nakasongola district is playful and adorable, the sanctuary managers have said."The mother is still too protective, but the baby is extremely playful," said Angie Genade, the executive director of the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary.
After a decade in South Salem, endangered wolves to go on display
It’s taken 10 years, but this fall, visitors to the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem will be able to see a pair of the center’s endangered red wolves, previously held away from visitors. The breeding pair of wolves will be in a new enclosure, built as the center celebrates its 10th anniversary.Construction on the new enclosure, expected to be close to an acre, began last week, and is expected to be completed in the fall, according to center Managing Director Maggie Howell. The display of the endangered wolves is to complement the
Montgomery Zoo: Alabama elephant deaths not related to breeding
A Montgomery Zoo veterinarian says the final necropsy reports show the deaths of a 23-year-old African elephant and her 1-month-old calf were not related to breeding elephants in zoos, a conclusion that critics dispute.Zoo veterinarian Jack Kottwitz said the report showed the mother elephant, Mary, died Aug. 16, 2008, from an abdominal problem with intestinal rupture and that she would have died in the wild.She died three days after giving birth. Her male calf, weighing 200-plus pounds, died from a fungus infection, known as candida, resulting in heart failure, according to the necropsy.The reports, completed last October, were recently released to The Associated Press by the city attorney.A California-based group, In Defense of Animals, seeks
Zoo remains in deep debt
$250,000 sought in public moneyOnce again, The Zoo of Northwest Florida is looking for an infusion of public money.And the Gulf Breeze facility, which is about $4.5 million in debt, faces the prospect of closing if it doesn't get the money, Executive Director Danyelle Lantz said.Zoo officials plan to go before the Santa Rosa County Commission on Monday to ask for another $125,000 to help keep the nonprofit organization afloat during the lean winter. They plan to ask for the same amount from Escambia County.Each county donated that much to the zoo this year, but getting a second year of funding could be an uphill battle in a time of ever
Help save the frogs of Panama
Amphibians, including frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians (a slender, legless amphibian found primarily in tropical areas), are very important to the environment as they feed on insects (including mosquitoes!) and provide food for animals like snakes, birds, and mammals. The young tadpoles help to control the amount of algae that grows on the rocks in the streams. Furthermore, the songs and sightings of frogs are typically welcomed by human visitors, especially those traveling
Humans give Kerala elephants a TB scare
Pigs are being blamed for the latest human pandemic - swine flu. But conservationists fear that humans are doing equal damage to some of their jumbo pets. A study by the Indian Institute of Sciences revealed that slightly over 15% of captive elephants in south India suffer from tuberculosis, apparently due to their little masters.The Asian Elephant Research & Conservation Centre, which studied 387 captive elephants in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andaman and Nicobar Islands, found 15.25% of the studied animals
EDITORIAL Battle to save our wildlife
The five-week-old panda cub in Chiang Mai is Thailand's newest superstar and enjoys a quality of life befitting her noble status. That is as it should be. But on the other side of the northern capital, exotic animals have not fared quite as well.The Chiang Mai Night Safari is still lamenting the loss of almost 300 of its animals, including giraffe and zebra, over the past two years. The zoo director blames poor diet, inexperience and inadequate veterinary care for this sad state of affairs, which has now been rectified.Such swings of the pendulum have long characterised this country's approach to wildlife conservation. Attitudes have ranged from the good to the bad and the downright ugly. The good moments came just over four years ago in Bangkok, when Thailand was singled out for praise at the 174-member Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (Cites), attended by 3,000 delegates. They discussed ways of saving species already on the verge of extinction.Pangolins, tiger skins, rare orchids and ivory products were high on the list of topics. Action was promised and ringing declarations made. The question now being asked is whether successive governments have delivered on these promises and if that praise was deserved.The British-based wildlife trade-monitoring network TRAFFIC thinks not. In a report issued last month, it claims Bangkok still hosts the largest illegal ivory market in Asia and that more than 70% of souvenir shops in Thailand have ivory items for sale. The network claims that since 2004, Thai
Nandankanan now a member of world zoo body
Nandankanan Zoological Park has become a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). It is the first zoo in India to acquire this distinction. Having more than 240 zoos and aquaria as its members, WAZA works as a catalyst for joint conservation. WAZA membership would provide leadership and support for zoos, aquaria and partner organizations around the world in animal care and welfare, conservation of bio-diversity, environmental education and global sustainability, a WAZA communique told Nandankanan. Zoo director Ajit Pattnaik said, "This is really a great achievement. We are involved in many ambitious conservation and breeding programmes for endangered species. Habitat loss, human encroachment and poaching are some of the challenges faced by endangered anim
Zoo builds three-ton cage to move elephant
The Changsha Zoo in Hunan province has built a large new iron cage to help transport a super Asian elephant to a new home.The big cage weighs three tons and was made for the elephant, Pa Mai, which stands more than 3.2 meters high.The cage can also be used to transport other big animals such as giraffes, hippos, lions and tigers.The big cage reaches 3 m high, 4.5 m long
Returning polar bear orphans get fancier digs
They were cuddly and confused when we first met them. Orphans, who had lost their mother, suddenly became stars in the animal kingdom of the Toronto Zoo. It was 2001, and two baby polar bears warmed us with their soft, furry innocence – inspiring wide-eyed kids to beg their parents for a baby bear of their very own. But then they left, to grow up in the north. Now, eight years and many kilometres later, Aurora and Nikita have returned. Yesterday the two sister polar bears were transported from the Polar Bear Habitat Heritage Village in Cochrane, north of Timmins, to their new home in the Toronto Zoo, where they will once again become the main attraction.So, how do you transport two 800-pound polar bears from Cochrane to Toronto? Very carefully.First, Nikita and Aurora were drugged with darts that immobilized them, explained Dr. Graham Crawshaw, the senior
Baby panda goes on display at Chiang Mai Zoo (includes video)
Thousands of excited visitors flocked to a zoo in northern Thailand on Saturday for the first public viewing of a panda cub born six weeks ago. Thais have shown immense interest in the panda since its surprise birth at Chiang Mai zoo at the end of May. A public competition to name the female cub drew more than half a (m) million entries. These have been whittled down to four and the name will be chosen next month . The birth took zoo officials by surprise. They had tried a number of strategies to get the female Lin Hui pregnant including showing her and her mate videos of their species mating. Zoo officials eventually turned to artificial insemination. Officials had noticed the female panda's
That'll do pig, zoo tells Afghanistan's only porker
Afghanistan's only known pig trotted out of quarantine on Saturday, two months after he was locked away because of swine flu fears, to bask again in the mud at the Kabul Zoo.The pig, a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan where pork and pig products are illegal because they are considered irreligious, was quarantined because visitors to the zoo were worried it could spread the new H1N1 flu strain, commonly known as swine flu."Our people did not understand that the disease only passes from person to person and felt that the swine influenza might even be spread from
The Zoo Biology Group is concerned with all disciplines involved inthe running of a Zoological Garden. Captive breeding, husbandry,cage design and construction, diets, enrichment, man management,record keeping, etc etc
The Thai ElePhanda controversy rolls on. Here is a cartoon from the Bangkok Post for the 2nd July
Dear colleagues,
CEE’s South Asian Zoo Package
The Zoo Education and Interpretation programme of the Centre for Environment Education(CEE), India offers its expertise and consultancy for 'South Asian ' package for Zoos of the world. The package would include web based material, interpretive exhibits, signages, kits and publications and resource materials on 'Increasing Handprint and Reducing Foot print'
We would be happy and honoured to extend our expertise to the zoo fraternity.
Meena Nareshwar
Programme Coordinator
Zoo Education and Interpretation
1st Annual Mazuri® Exotic Animal Feed
Nutrition Research Grant
Land O’Lakes Purina Feed is pleased to announce the Mazuri® Exotic Animal Feed Nutrition Research Grant, to support research in the area of exotic animal nutrition. Proposals may be submitted for up to $10,000. One or more grants may be awarded, but the combined total will not exceed $10,000 (to be determined by the awards committee). Funding will be considered for basic or applied research projects in the area of exotic animal nutrition. Research proposals will be evaluated by a panel of three committee members, comprised of at least one representative from academia and one representative from the zoo community. Grants will be ranked and awarded based on the quality of the proposal (50% of total ranking), importance of the research (25% of total
ranking) and likelihood that the research will be accomplished and disseminated (25% of total ranking). No committee members, nor their institutions, may be considered for funding from this Grant during the funding
year. A list of the winners of the grants will be provided to any entrant upon written request. A short (no more than 5 pages, not including references) proposal should be submitted, including all information described below. Note that incomplete proposals will not be evaluated.
To Apply: Submit proposals by email to
Proposals are Due by September 14, 2009. Grant awardee will be announced no later than November 1, 2009.
Required Items:
• Title
• Principle Investigators, Co-Investigators and Collaborators
Please describe the responsibilities of each investigator towards the proposed research.
• General abstract
A brief (250 words or less) overview of the project, its relevance, and future applications written to a lay audience.
• Purpose Statement & Background information
Detailed overview of proposal, relevance to exotic animal nutrition, and necessary background information.
• Materials and Methods
Hypothesis, experimental design, method of analysis, expected results and potential pitfalls should all be addressed.
• Timeline of activities
Briefly describe timeline for major activities, including dissemination.
• Dissemination
Please provide information on the routes of dissemination of data collected in this project.
• Budget and Justification
Provide rationale for each budgetary item. Provide information regarding additional support if the proposal is also supported by other funding sources.
Elephant Managers Association Auction
Starting on August 8, 2009, Elephant Managers Association will be auctioning off a number of fun and unique items to bid on to raise money for our organization's conservation efforts. 50% of the money raised will go into the association's endowment fund and the other 50% towards conservation efforts that the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) is participating in.
Though you cannot start bidding yet you can take a look at the items on auction here: ELEPHANT AUCTION ITEMS
The Auction ends on August 23rd!!!
Celebrating Plants and the Planet:
Summer has come to the North, so I offer cool plant stories. (OK, they've all been cool, right? Right?)
July links at (NEWS/Botanical News) take you to plant stories to amaze and delight.
· Maple seeds are fun to stick on the end of your nose or watch twirl in the breeze. Researchers playing with them have uncovered just how they can fly so efficiently so far (cool video included).
· Plants sometimes "clone" themselves. And when they do, the clones communicate with each other for their mutual benefit!
· White-capped sparrows keep their songs fresh and change them as their habitat grows.
· Where are the tallest trees generally found and why are they tallest there? It took a study of 7,000 species to answer that question.
· Pacific North American forest trees are dying off at astonishing rates, changing habitats for thousands of species. What's behind it? (No, not amazing nor delightful.)
Getting back to delight, then: like the sparrows you can change your song! Here's a perfect toy to amuse you:
Please share these stories with associates, staff, docents and -- most importantly -- visitors! Remember, over a hundred other stories can be found in the archive section of the website.
Zoo Horticulture
Consulting & Design
Greening design teams since 1987
Donations to help Ulla care for these animals can be sent here:
If you do donate please notify at:
Money can then be transferred

Presented by Active Environments and Shape of Enrichment
Hosted by The Oakland Zoo, Oakland , CA , USA
Instructors: Gail Laule, Margaret Whittaker, and Val Hare
16-20 November 2009
Active Environments is proud to present the third Training and Enrichment Workshop with our new host, The Oakland Zoo. This unique five-day workshop will present an array of topics relating to behavioral management with particular emphasis on positive reinforcement training techniques (PRT) and environmental enrichment (EE). The workshop is designed for keepers, managers, supervisors, curators, and veterinarians working with a wide array of animals held in zoos. This workshop emphasizes the behavioral management approach to caring for captive animals, with focus on environmental enrichment, positive reinforcement training, and the problem-solving process. Workshop format includes lecture, discussion, small group projects, demonstrations, and multiple hands-on training and enrichment opportunities with Oakland Zoo’s diverse collection. Skills taught are directly related to enhancing staff’s ability to manage captive animal behavior, improve animal welfare, and enhance the overall care and management of captive animals. The Workshop format is designed to maximize the value for each participant and as much as possible to address specific situations, needs, problems, and objectives. Be prepared to interact, share, and participate to make the experience as useful and relevant to you as possible.
The registration fee (TBD) includes the following:
· 6 nights stay in the La Quinta Inn at Oakland Airport
· All workshop materials, including a copy of Don’t Shoot the Dog
· All breakfasts, lunches and snacks during the workshop
· Icebreaker, one dinner, and closing banquet (3 dinners)
· Transportation to and from workshop and airport
· Commemorative Workshop t-shirt
We have reserved a block of rooms at the Hotel based on double occupancy; single rooms available with increased registration fee.
For further information contact:
Active Environments, Inc.
7651 Santos Road Lompoc, CA 93436
Tel: 805-737-3700
Margaret Whittaker ( Active Environments ):
Margaret Rousser (Oakland Zoo):
Or: Shape of Enrichment
Avian Ambassadors' 6th Annual Raptor Handling Class
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July, 2009
From 9.30a to 4.00p at The Marriott Hotel, Albuquerque , NM
Meet the stars of the Flights of Education Shows
We are pleased to announce that we have added a guest presenter to our class this year. Robin Shewokis of The Leather Elves will present an introduction to Enrichment for Captive Raptors. Robin has consulted with zoos around the world on the subject of Enrichment for captive animals; this is a great opportunity to have her visit Albuquerque !
In addition to Robin's presentation the class covers:
Basic raptor biology
Equipment used with raptors in educational programs
Handling techniques
Raptor possession permit requirements
Introduction to science based training strategies
Hands-on time with birds
Since this class has a hands-on component the size of the class is limited so please make your reservation as soon as possible.
The cost of the class is $65.00 per person; this includes a printed handbook and a lunch snack on each day. Please call (505) 349 5714 or email for a registration form today.
Places in the class will be filled on a first come first served basis. Your registration will be confirmed when we acknowledge receipt of payment.
We have secured a special room rate at the Marriott Uptown Hotel of $89.00 per night for those travelling to Albuquerque .
Please call (505) 881-6800 to make room reservations and be sure to mention the "Raptor Handling Class" in order to secure the special rate.
Avian Ambassadors - Flights of Education
The Training Blog
ABC Dolphin Trainer Academy
pre-registration ends July 15 for the Basic workshop September 14 to 18, 2009
Hosted by Dolphin Discovery Isla Mujeres.
For more information please go to to register or email me directly to reserve your place at
Shelley Wood
ABC Training Systems
Announcing the ASZK Des Spittall Scholarship for Keeper Research
Named in honour of the late Des Spittall, a life member of ASZK, the ASZK committee has launched the Des Spittall Scholarship for keeper research. This is open to people who have been a financial member of ASZK for 12 months or more. This is an annual scholarship up to the value of $2,000. Applications close 31st October 2009
Please forward ‘Des Spittall Scholarship for Keeper Research’ application to ASZK President no later than 31st of October each year at email
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Kind Regards,
Wishing you a wonderful week,
Peter Dickinson
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"I may get hit by a bus tomorrow so I will live today"
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