It would seem that most everywhere has been experiencing some warm weather
over the past few weeks. I hope that it has not been too hot for you....or
your animals. We have had it warm (for the UK anyway) at 30C and
thereabouts over the past week. No doubt the sort of temperatures some of
you dream about. I think everyone must have managed to get their hay in,
which should do some good to the prices. This afternoon the heavens
opened, making everything so much more pleasant too. In fact it was so
nice this evening, half of the chimp group preferred to stay outside. I
spent a fascinating couple of hours reading through the huge quantity of
varied material sent by a colleague in Toronto zoo (thanks Wayne). I note
they will celebrate their 25th Anniversary on the 15th of this month. They
sure have come a long way in that time. Plans for the future look really
good too. I hope the planned celebrations are a great success. I was also
sent my first copy of “Colchester Zoo Matters”. Although only a few pages
long, it is an extremely colourful and informative little pamphlet. It is
always interesting to learn what other collections are up too (hence
ZooNews Digest). I was particularily pleased to learn of the work
Colchester is putting in to assisting Tirana Zoo. If every zoo were to
twin or `adopt` one less fortunate we would quickly go a long way to
improving situations worldwide. The Zoo Biology egroup has been busy this
week, and there have been several new subscribers. As moderator I read all
messages before they are posted and I have stopped one or two people
putting their foot in it, so to speak.. Just lately though, there have
been an increased number of veiled advertisements, posing as letters. I
have dumped these. Sorry if offense is taken. If the letters are
resubmitted and are genuine they will be reconsidered for posting.
McDonald proposes $135 million budget for next year
(Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden)
As Its Charges Live Longer, the National Zoo Develops Geriatric Medicine
Rare captive Australian platypus twin baby dies
(Healesville Sanctuary)
Destination China For Ghiazza's 'Ark'
African antelope stolen from zoo
(Roger Williams Park Zoo)
Zoo Foxed By Mystery Penguin Killer
(Parken Zoo/Eskilstuna)
Back From Extinction - Cloning the Woolly Mammoth
Bears in new abode
(Alaska Zoo)
Conservationists, Legal Experts in Court to Defend Wolves
Holiday island girl mauled by zoo crocodile
(Tenerife Zoo)
Penguin makes splash with group at library
Exotic lizard deaths linked to fireflies
(Philadelphia Zoo)
Zoo's Restaurant Designed to Offer Creature Comforts
(Oklahoma City Zoo)
Changed role in hand, Friends of Zoo trek to new office
(Little Rock Zoo)
Zoo Focuses On Your World
(San Diego Zoo)
Crested ibis moves to new home
(Sado Island Conservation Centre)
Expeditions formed to search for world's largest snake
(Cincinnati Zoo)
(Johannesburg Zoo)
Wildlife Conservation Society & FAO Schwarz Announce Licensing Agreement
St. Louis Zoo Koalas Die From Heat
SA Govt accused of selling inbred koalas
(St Louis Zoo)
US zoo seeks more koalas
(St Louis Zoo)
Zoo Prepares for Arrival of Two Koalas
(Oklahoma City Zoo)
Koala deaths in US zoo sparks export review
(Saint Louis Zoo/Cleland Wildlife Park
Brookfield gorilla spurning females
Let's pull plug on the last of Bever Park Zoo
Veterinarian on an adventurous mission
(Wildlife Conservation Society)
Herons steal penguins' food at zoo
(Ueno Zoo)
Families take a Santa Ana safari
Aquarium won't go far for its fish
(The Great Lakes Aquarium)
Bring a flower for Jumbo
(Johannesburg Zoo)
(Shedd Aquarium),1575,SAV-9907270174,00.html
Beluga passes on mom's milk
(Shedd Aquarium)
Beluga calf healthy, gets fish oil formula
(Shedd Aquarium)
Bit & Pieces
ZooNews Digest subscribers can be found in :
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, Bulgaria,
Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eire, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India,
Indonesia, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Latvia,
Lithuania, Mexico, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, New
Zealand, Pakistan, Peoples Republic of China, Poland, Portugal, Russia,
Senegal, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka,
Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey, Uganda,
Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam,
Zambia, Zimbabwe.
We are a Canadian registered charity which operates a field research
station on the northeastern coast of Costa Rica, in a remote area of the
tropical rain forest. We are currently seeking an individual to fill the
position of Assistant Station Manager. THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH POSITION.
The candidate should possess practical skills including construction and
small engine repair knowledge, cooking skills, ability to get along well
with people and knowledge of tropical rain forest and conservation issues.
Computer knowledge and Spanish language an asset. Duties include
maintaining the property and buildings, cooking for and generally taking
care of the needs of large groups of visiting students and researchers,
and giving guided tours to visiting eco-tourists. Salary is low, but
room, board and Costa Rican medical insurance are provided. For more
details, please contact: Marilyn Cole Executive Director Canadian
Organization for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation (COTERC)
Box 335 Pickering, Ontario L1V 2R6 Canada (905) 831-8809 Fax (905)
831-4203 Visit our website at
Committing to Conservation Conference
*Making a Difference*
The San Diego Zoo
December 9-12, 1999
Our philosophy, mission and goals will inspire action and promote change.
Tired of talk about conservation, but no action? We want to change that.
In fact, we took the liberty of deleting the exclusive word *zoos* from
the title of this conference, because we believe it will take the
collective knowledge and wisdom of people working in many diverse fields
to accomplish our conservation goals. Our conference mission is to bring
together personnel at all levels from zoos, NGOs, conservation
organizations, academia and field research. We will not only network, gain
knowledge and information, share ideas and expertise, but motivate and
inspire one another to do something--however large or small--to promote
local and global conservation. The goal of this conference is to enable
those who are committed to conservation to take meaningful action,
especially that which supports in-situ projects. Our conference format is
not the same old thing. *Don t just sit there--do something!* is our
conference motto. Our conference will address three timely conservation
topics. Each day we ll introduce a new theme, kicked off by a relevant
keynote speaker. Rounding out each day will be supporting presentations,
continued by group discussions over lunch, and lots of time for networking
and action planning. The day prior to the main conference, we ll give you
an opportunity to participate in a local conservation field project.
Thursday, Dec. 8 - Optional conservation field project, begins at 8:30
a.m. Conference officially begins with 7:00 p.m. icebreaker Friday,
Dec.10 - Sunday, Dec. 12 - Three full days of conference activities;
conference officially ends at 9:00 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 12 Our program
themes are timely.
I. Being savvy about cultural/social issues affecting in-situ projects.
Gender and ethnic diversity in conservation Human population concerns
aren t just global. Local economic issues. Etiquette and the *ugly
II. How to influence human behavior and conservation outcomes. How to
respond when asked: *What can I do?*. Measuring and evaluating behavioral
change. Case studies.
III. Practical local issues and solutions. Big cities and tiny villages:
templates for success
Quality of life, is compromise necessary? Are community development
and conservation
strange bedfellows?
If you are interested in presenting a paper or poster which supports one
of the conference themes, please mail, fax or e-mail a draft of your
300-word (or less) abstract to: Valerie Thompson, Conference Co-Chair,
P.O. Box 120551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551. Fax: (619) 232- 4117; e-mail: Paper and Poster abstracts and accompanying
information are due by September 15, 1999. Please include the following
information with your abstract: title, author`s name, address and
affiliation, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address. Please include a
brief biography of yourself (no more than 100 words).
We re rewarding conservation action through our grant program. Have a
great idea for a conservation project but no funding? To demonstrate our
commitment to conservation action, the Zoological Society of San Diego
will distribute a total of $15,000 in grant funding to worthy conservation
projects conceived by participants of the Committing to Conservation
Conference. Grant recipients will be announced at the conference in
December. For an application packet, please contact Pegi Harvey, Director
of Education, San Diego Zoo, P.O. Box 120551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551.
Phone: (619) 231-1515, ext. 4414; fax: (619)232-6823; or e-mail: Applications are due by August 1, 1999.
Planning a holiday in Indonesia? Why not tie it in with the excellent
course being announced by Singapore zoo :
1. Animal Records, Animal ID, Physical and Chemical Restraint Course
The aims of this course is to train Veterinarians, Curators, Record
Keepers and Supervisory staff in the methods of animal restraint, animal
identification, paper and computerised records.
This course will involve theory on manual and computerised records system,
data collection and the physical and chemical restraint of captive wild
Practicals will involve capturing zoo animals for the purpose of applying
a permanent ID (microchips, ear notches, tattoos, leg rings etc..) to the
animals, collection of morphometric data and health checks. Restraint of
animals will involve both physical and chemical restraint methods.
Participants will also be trained to use the ISIS ARKS and MedARKS
computer records system.
The target audience will be animal record keepers, animal managers,
veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants and veterinarians. The
workshop would give participants a working knowledge of animal records,
data collection and animal restraint. It will also drive home the fact
that physical data collection should be done whenever animals are
immobilised by the veterinarian.
Participants will also learn the importance of teamwork and co-ordination
in order to minimise the stress on the animals concerned.
This course will run for 10 days.
Dr. Paolo Martelli, Singapore Zoo
Dr. Kevin Lazarus, Taiping Zoo
Dr. Ligaya, TSI
Dr. Retno, TSI
Dr. Yohana, TSI
Mr. Tan Kit Sun, Singapore Zoo
Ms. Sharmy Prastiti, TSI
11th October to 20th October
Day 1
Arrival, registration and opening and orientation and ice breaker
Day 2
Data Collection, Manual and Computer Records Theory
Day 3
Physical and Chemical Animal Restraint Theory
Day 4
Field trip national park at Bogor Cibodas
Day 5
Practical restraint, ID application and data collection - ungulates
Day 6
Practical restraint, ID application and data collection - snakes and
Day 7
Practical restraint, ID application and data collection - fish and birdsat TMII
Day 8
Practical restraint, ID application and data collection - carnivores(bears,
tigers, lions, leopards
Day 9
Practical restraint, ID application and data collection - small mammalsand
Day 10
Exam, closing ceremony & party
4.Number of participants
This training course is limited to 30 participants
US$300 per participant (SEAZA members) payable in cash on the day of
arrival. The fee covers all food (halal), lodgings and materials used
during the course. Non SEAZA members are required to take up an Individual
Associate Membership at US$50.
6.Venue and travelling
Venue: Taman Safari Indonesia, Cisarua, Bogor, Indonesia.
Travelling:Participants should arrange for their flight to land at Jakarta
Airport. Participants should arrange their arrival on or before the 11th
October 1999. Participants will be picked up at the airport.
7.Equipment to bring
Laptop/NotebookComputers - participants should bring along a
laptop/notebook computer if available.
Binoculars- participants should each bring along a
pair of binoculars as certain portions of
the practicals involve observing animals
from a distance
Clothing- Long sleeves for the official opening.
Clothes for fieldwork and the proper foot
wear. Expect some rain, so pack your
own rain gear.
Footwear- Ankle boots if possible otherwise any
full coverage shoes which you can use
in dirty conditions would be suitable.
Electricity- Electricity in Indonesia is 240V 50Hz.
The plug type is Euro Dutch i.e. 2 pin
For further Information:
Please Fax or Post to:-
The Singapore Zoological Gardens
80 Mandai Lake Road
Republic of Singapore 729826
Attn: Mr. Tan Kit Sun
Zoo Schwerin latest edition of "Ursus 5,1" is now published. "Ursus" is a
zoo journal which deals mainly with information on the animals and
buildings in the zoo Schwerin, Germany but includes many other scientific
articles, faunistic, excursions and others. The ISSN 1438-5082. Price 20
DM (German Mark) or 10 EURO. You can order this Zoopaper from Zoo Schwerin
Waldschulweg 1 D-19061 Schwerin
Animal Trainers and Papers Wanted!!!
The steering committee of the Animal Behavior Management Association
(ABMA) would like to invite and encourage trainers of all animal species
to attend the upcoming International Marine Animal Trainers Association
(IMATA) conference in Chicago, Illinois - December 5 - 10, 1999. IMATA
has graciously offered the ABMA a full day at this conference to present
papers, panel discussions, workshops, et cetera, that illustrate the
application of behavior management with a variety of species. The ABMA is
a new organization being formed to meet the needs of the growing community
of individuals involved in behavior management. Following is the ABMA
mission statement:
"The Animal Behavior Management Association exists to advance animal
behavior management, including training, in order to enhance the husbandry
and welfare of animals."
A survey was sent out in late 1998 to all AZA institutions to gather
information about their animal training programs. Of the 52 institutions
that responded, a whopping 97% indicated that animal training programs
were being conducted at their facilities. That means that there's
significant cutting edge, innovative training going on with a diverse
number of species, and we’d like to encourage you to share your training
projects with your colleagues.
Although IMATA has historically represented primarily marine animal
trainers, a proposal has been made to IMATA's board of directors to
consider an organizational transformation that would continue to address
marine animal interests but also those of other taxa. The ABMA hopes to
lay the groundwork for an informed and creative discussion of this topic,
and we plan to request that IMATA's members entertain the concept that the
association evolves into a behavior management organization, irrespective
of species.
But we need you! One of the goals of an evolution of IMATA would be to
vigorously recruit and embrace members from within the vast numbers of
professionals who are working with terrestrial, aquatic, or avian species.
Basically, we would like to see that training, not species, be the main
focus of this organization. The IMATA board has tasked the ABMA steering
committee “to commission members of these other animal management arenas
to submit papers on the contribution and application of operant
conditioning to terrestrial and avian species behavioral management.” In
fact, the IMATA president noted that “Chicago 1999 will be a landmark
event and perhaps the beginning of a new era.”
For more information about the upcoming IMATA conference in Chicago this
December, including a downloadable registration form, check out IMATA's
website at For more information about the ABMA and any
questions or suggestions about our workshops, presentations and papers at
this conference, contact Heidi Hellmuth at If you'd
like to submit an abstract to present a paper, please act quickly as the
deadline is fast approaching. Start making your plans now, we’d love to
see you in Chicago!
Heidi Hellmuth
ABMA Steering Committee
Loon Mountain Wildlife Theater
Lincoln, NH 03251 USA
603-745-6281 x5561
Following the Government’s consultation document “Review of the Operation
of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981” the Government’s announced in September
1998 a package of measures designed to modernise the British zoo licensing
system. One of the measures announced was a proposal for a review by
independent consultants of the current standards of modern zoo practice,
issued under section 9 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981. The Government has
now published the report by the Zoo Standards Review Group proposing
revised Standards of Modern Zoo Practice. A Concordance document was also
published. Copies of the reports may be obtained from Richard Hepburn,
DETR, room 806, Tollgate House, Bristol BS2 9DJ (tel 0117 9878292) or by
email to . Comments to the same address
are required no later than 10 September 1999. Alternatively a copy of the
report and concordance may be obtained on the ZSRG`s Internet site:
Volunteer Appeal
I'm desperately looking for a French-speaking volunteer to provide urgent
assistance in a chimpanzee center in Guinea (West Africa). The volunteer
will need to go to Guinea as soon as possible and will have to pay his/her
airfare and his/her expenses while volunteering. This sanctuary is in a
financial crisis. I urgently need a qualified person to represent me in
Guinea, raise funds locally and assure the well-being of the 24
chimpanzees living at the center. Lodging at the site will be provided
and basic living expenses might be covered in the future. I would prefer
the volunteer stay a minimum of 3 months. If you are interested, are
fluent in French and are free to leave for Guinea soon, don't hesitate to
contact me for more information. Estelle Raballand Director of the
Chimpanzee Center, Guinea Coordinator of the Chimpanzee Rehabilitation
Sanctuary, Cameroon Tel:237-21-78-07 Fax:237-20-92-24
Zoo Staff Personals
Situations Vacant
(please mention you saw the advertisement in ZooNews Digest should you
apply for any of these posts, many thanks)Do you have a vacancy to
advertise? Please email me.
This position provides assistance in the development and review of basic
diets for all zoo animals. Initiates or provides suggestions pertaining
to feeds and feeding strategies to enrich the environment of animals,
which indicates knowledge of the animal’s natural feeding behavior.
Initiates or provides suggestions pertaining to feeds and feeding
strategies to ensure that a balanced diet is provided for and consumed by
every animal in the zoo. Responsible for purchasing, stocking and
dispensing all animal food items and Animal Management Division supplies.
Requires Bachelor’s Degree in animal nutrition or animal sciences, with
emphasis in nutrition, and two years work experience in basic zoo animal
nutrition, feeding and purchasing of feed items and supplies; or any
combination of education and experience which provides the applicant with
the desired skills, knowledge, and ability required to perform the job.
Will require a valid Oregon Driver’s License. Salary range is $13.16 -
$17.82 per hour with excellent benefits. Application deadline is August
5, 1999. For application materials, contact Metro, Human Resources
Division, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97232 or call (503)
797-1570 or on-line at ---------------------
Full-time vacancy for EDUCATION OFFICER to join our team. Teaching
qualification plus a degree in Biology or Zoology preferred. The job
includes teaching children ranging from Primary to Secondary levels (some
A level teaching required), as well as helping with the preparation of
publicity material, signs, information graphics etc. Some computer
experience (particularly with graphics software) would be an advantage.
Please apply in writing, with CV to:Alan Bates Head of Education, Twycross
Zoo, Burton Rd., Near Atherstone, Warwickshire,CV9 3PX -------------------
Natural Encounters, Inc. is currently accepting applications for bird
trainer / show presenter. They present free-flight bird shows around the
world that focus on natural behaviors and conservation education.
Experience in the field is helpful, but not mandatory. Natural Encounters,
Inc. offers competitive salaries and an excellent benefit package. To
apply, please send a resume to Natural Encounters, Inc. 9014 Thompson
Nursery Road, Lake Wales, FL 33853, Fax at 407-938-0849, or e-mail at -------------
Birdworld, the largest zoological Bird Park in the United Kingdom is
seeking to appoint a new head of the education department. The successful
applicant will be required to lead the education team but also develop an
education programme, primarily for children up to the age of 12,
throughout the park. Applicants require either formal teaching
qualifications, or experience in zoological education. They must also be
self-motivated, able to work in a team, but above all have the ability to
make education an entertainment. Excellent salary for the right person.
Please send a full CV with covering letter outlining what interests you
about this career opportunity to : Mr S. Bromfield, BIRDWORLD, Holt Pound,
Farnham, Surrey. GU10 4LD --------------------
The South African Bird of Prey Centre urgently require a Falconer for
display and public demonstration work. Applicants must have a driving
license and be over 21years of age. Experience is essential. This position
offers a competitive starting salary, transport and accomodation. For more
information, interested parties must send CV to Johannesburgh as soon as
possible on Fax number : 00271 1648 3491 ----------------------
Fjord & Belt Centre in Kerteminde, Denmark.
Applications are invited to a position as dolphin trainer at the Fjord &
Belt Centre in Kerteminde, Funen, Denmark. Working environment - The Fjord
& Belt Centre is a marine activity centre created to combine research (in
co-operation with the University of Southern Denmark), public exhibition,
aquariums and education on marine issues. The centre opened in 1997 and
300,000 visitors have until now visited the centre. The Kerteminde Fjord
and the Danish Belts and their marine life are the common denominators for
all the activities. As such, the harbour porpoise is the main topic of
research and one of the main attractions. The purpose is to enhance
research into behaviour and ways of reducing by-catch as well as informing
the public and creating more awareness. For that, the centre has
permission to hold four harbour porpoises in captivity for a period of
three years. The porpoise project is led by a team composed of a
supervisor (a French whale biologist) and an American senior trainer and
advised by a German veterinarian. Danish and foreign interns assist in the
daily care. International research co- operation is currently carried out
with Danish, Swedish, German and English institutions. Type of employment
- Duties will be mainly to participate in the daily care and training of
the harbour porpoises held outdoors and to the maintenance of the porpoise
facilities. Duties consist furthermore in participating in research
projects and other centre activities. Applicants should preferably have
previous experience with husbandry and training of marine mammals.
Training for experimental research as well as active participation in
research projects will also be considered as additional qualifications.
Expectations from the applicant - The successful applicant is expected to
show a good deal of personal involvement, responsibility and creativity.
Ability to work harmoniously in a team of an international context is
essential. There is an obligation of residence in the town of Kerteminde.
Applicants have to be able to speak and write English fluently. If a
working knowledge of Danish is not present at the time of appointment,
sufficient knowledge of Danish for participation in meetings and extension
to the public must be acquired within a year. Salary/Working
hours/Vacation - Salary and other conditions of appointment will be based
on Danish regulations. The salary is subject to Danish incomes taxes and
social expenses and is based on the Danish system of working flexible
hours. The salary will be negotiated at around US$ 2200. Working hours are
37 hours per week, variable hours. Overtime will be compensated for.
Accrual per month of work accomplished is 2,5 days, equivalent to 5 weeks
vacation per year. Application - The application should include a C.V., a
statement of interests, a description of research involvement and reprints
of publications if any, and a minimum of two reference letters from
previous aquarium curators and head trainers. Three copies of the
application must be mailed to the Fjord & Belt Centre, Margrethes Plads 1,
DK-5300 Kerteminde, Denmark. The application must be received not later
than September 30, 1999 in order to be considered. Further Information on
the Fjord & Belt Centre can be found on Further
information about the position may be obtained from the leader of the
porpoise project, Dr. Genevive Desportes ( and
the senior trainer Kirstin Anderson (, Fjord &
Belt Centre, Fax: +45 65 32 42 64. -----------------------
Paignton Zoological & Botanical Gardens are looking for a Executive
Director to take up the post in September 2000 on the retirement of the
current Director. The postholder will be responsible to the Board of
Trustees and responsible for fulfilling the objectives of Paignton zoo in
the fields of wildlife conservation and education. For further
information and a full job description please send a stamped addressed A4
size envelope to : The Chairman, Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust,
Totnes Road, Paignton, Devon. TQ4 7EU, UK The closing date for
applications is the 30th Sepember 1999 ---------------------
For the most up to date links to sites advertising Zoo work go to:
V111th European Bat Research Symposium
August 23 - 27 1999
Cracow Poland
Chiropterology Information Centre
30- 016 Krakow Poland
ph +4812/422-64-10
Fourth International Enrichment Conference
29th August - 3rd September 1999
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Details are now available from the Shape of Enrichment website:
The Shape of Enrichment, Inc is pleased to announce a grant of $1,000 U.S.
to be used towards expenses to attend The Fourth International Conference
on Environmental Enrichment. The winning paper will be presented during
the conference. More details of this from the enrichment site.
The Third Elephant Handlers UK Based Training Course
31st August-5th September 1999
Woburn Safari Park
16th EAZA/EEP Annual Conference
Basel Zoo, Switzerland
September 8 - 12 1999
For further information contact :
EAZA offices
26th National Conference of the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc.
September 12 - 16 1999 Portland, Oregon Hosted by the Portland AAZK
Chapter and The Oregon Zoo. For information contact: Jan McCoy, The
Oregon Zoo, 4001 S.W. Canyon Rd., Portland, OR 97221. Fax: (503) 226-6836
Veterinary conference on Australian Wildlife
Western Plains Zoo, Australia
September 13 - 17, 1999.
Topics include zoonoses, medicine and surgery of macropods, reptiles,
bats, native birds and amphibia as well as pest control and assisted
reproduction. Interested parties can contact : David Blyde on
European Zoo Educators (EZE) Conference
Safari Beekse Bergen; Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands
16 - 20 September 1999
For further details contact: Chris Peters; IZE-Regional Representative for
Europe/Middle-East e-mail:
Waterfowl Information Network-International Conference
16-17 September 1999
The Royal Veterinary College, London
For further information please contact :
International Meeting of Zoo Collectors
18th-19th of September 1999
Hanover Zoo, northern Germany
Every year some 80 people from all over Europe meet to swap, trade and
exchange zoo memorabilia / historica (guidebooks, posters, postcards,
books). This year the meeting will take place at Hanover Zoo, northern
Germany, where it started ten years ago. Saturday morning trading will
take place at the zoo barn, afternoon will see a guided tour through the
completely re-built zoo. In the evening dinner will be followed by an
auction of zoo items. On Sunday a guided excursion will take place to the
nearby wildlife park of Springe, one of the places were early this century
the European bison or wisent has been saved from extinction. The meeting
is organised by Frank-Dieter Busch and Michael Mettler. Costs are 50 DEM
(including entrance fees & dinner), payable at the meeting (for non-german
participants only; Germans please pay in advance). Information and
announcement: Frank-Dieter Busch, Koethenwaldstr. 20, D-31275 Lehrte Tel.
+49-5132-51552, Fax +49-5138-2027
American Zoo and Aquarium Association's Annual Conference
24-28 September 1999
Minneapolis, Minnesota
For more information, visit our Web site at or contact:
Linda Boyd, 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 710, Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 562-0777, ext. 237; fax (301) 562-0888 e-mail:
The 4th International Conference for the Management of Wildlife in
Amazonia and Latin America October 4th-8th of 1999 Asuncion, Paraguay
Centro Cultural del Banco Central del Paraguay. For further information
about the Conference visit the Web Site:
VI International Symposium on the Preservation of the Przewalski Horse 5 -
7 October 1999 Kyiv, Askania-Nova For further details contact :
1999 Zoo Registrars Association Conference
8-10 October 1999
San Antonio, Texas
For more information, please contact: Terrence L. Fisher, San Antonio
Zoological Society, 3903 N. St. Mary's Street, San Antonio, Texas 78212
phone (210) 734-7184 ext. 162; fax (210) 734-7291 e-mail:
ABWAK is planning a 'Sustainability workshop' to be held at Blackpool Zoo
on Tuesday 12 October 1999. Topics will cover ways in which zoos can be
pro-active in recycling, environmentally friendly products, use of the
correct suppliers, educating our visitors and generally how zoos can use
state of the art techniques in environmental management. This event is
being co-ordinated by ABWAK Council member Nan Swannie, Education Officer
at Blackpool Zoo. Nan can be contacted on 01253 765027 or by fax on 01253
CBSG Annual Meeting
15 - 17 October 1999
Warmbaths, South Africa
For further details contact : or
World Zoo Organisation Annual Conference
18 - 21 October 1999
Pretoria, South Africa
For further details contact :
Sarita Cronje, National Zoo, P.O.Box 754, Pretoria 0001, South Africa.
(Fax 27-12-323-4540)
Research and Captive Propagation in Birds
Research and Captive Propagation in Birds„
21st October – 23rd October 1999 at Antwerp Zoo
Deadline for submission of talks and posters is 30 June 1999; The
deadline for the abstracts is 15 July 1999. For more information please
contact PD Dr. U. Gansloßer FAX (+49-911-97 95 800 or Dr. C.
Mettke-Hofmann +49-8152-373 133 , e-mail (
29th North American Symposium on Bat Research
October 27-30 1999
Maddison Wisconsin USA
Tom Griffiths
Dept of Biology, Illinois Weslean University, Bloomington IL 61702
Ph 309-536-3230
fax 309-536-3411
Introduction/Re-Introductions Seminar
6th November 1999
The Boldrewood Conference Centre, University of Southampton
This is a one day seminar organised jointly by Marwell Preservation Trust
and the University of Southampton. Chaired by Chris Packham it will
address some of practical problems of restoring endangered species to the
wild. There are several speakers talking on a range of topics which
include Beaver, Desert Antelope, Red Kite, White-Tailed Eagle amongst
others. For further details and booking contact : Marwell Zoological Park,
Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1JH or telephone 01962 777407
Marine Ornamentals 99 Conference
Kona, Hawaii
16th - 19th November 1999
Plans are now well underway and there are only a few weeks left in which
to take advantage of the early registration discount. And for those of you
that might want to present a paper - either orally or as a poster - the
deadline for abstracts (July 31) is rapidly approaching. The meeting is
designed to bring together in one venue those interested in the
Collecting, Culture and Conservation of marine ornamental species
including fishes, corals, live rock, as well as those that are worrying
about the regulatory regime in which these species are traded, transported
and marketed. Thus there is an opportunity for everyone from researchers,
to businessmen, to hobbyists to participate and contribute to the meeting.
For details of the meeting, registration forms, etc. See
British and Irish Zoo Educators Conference (BIZE)
Fota Wildlife Park, Co. Cork, Ireland
18-21 November 1999
The conference organiser is Lynda McSweeney
tel 00353 21 812 678 or fax 00353 21 812 744
Zoo and Exotic Animal Anaesthesia and Surgery
20-21 November 1999 at the Meeting Rooms, Zoological Society of London.
This 2 days meeting will concentrate on the modern approach and advances
within the field of anaesthesia and surgery in birds, reptiles, small
mammals, zoo animals, fish, etc etc etc. For registration details please
contact Derek Lyon ( Brackenwood, 67 Wynnstay Lane,
Marford, Wrexham LL12 8LH, UK. Fax: 44 (0)1978 852065 Anyone wishing to
present a paper should contact Steve Divers ( Exotic
Animal Centre, 12 Fitzilian Avenue, Harold Wood, Romford, Essex RM3 0QS,
UK. Fax: 44 (0)1708 344318. You don't have to be an academic high
roller, super specialist or all round action packed super hero. Student
papers, reviews, new techniques and procedures, as well as original
research are all very welcome.
The 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, organised
by the Society for Marine Mammalogy, will be held from 29 November to 3
December 1999 in Kihei, Hawaiian Islands. The deadline for abstracts is 1
June and for workshop proposals 1 March. For further information contact
Gene Nitta, Conference Chair, at
or Paul Nachtigall, Scientific Program Chair, at
"Zoo-Kunft 2000"
18 - 20 February 2000
Allwetterzoo Münster
The main theme will be "The Human (and) Apes in zoos and the wild".
Speakers are not yet fixed. Registration and further information (when
available) is at the web site at :
Third International Asian Hornbill Workshop
The Third International Asian Hornbill Workshop will be held in April/May
2000 in Singapore, with a post-workshop excursion to the Budo & Hala-Bala
Research Site, south Thailand. If you are interested in attending, please
write to either: Ms Ng Bee Choo, c/o Nature's Niche, Bukit Timah Nature
Reserve Visitor Centre, 177 Hindhede Drive, Singapore 589333. Tel, +65
4636571, fax +65 4636572, e.mail or Dr Pilai
Poonswad, Hornbill Project Thailand, c/o Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Science, Mahidol Unversity, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400,
Thailand. Fax +66 26445411, e.mail
“The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century”
May 10 -13 2000
Hilton, Lisle/Naperville
This unique conference will focus on the apes of the world and will bring
together researchers, zoological park personnel, and field biologists to
share and disseminate the most current information on husbandry,
conservation, and emergent issues pertaining to captive and wild
populations of apes. This conference will serve as a starting point for
defining the challenges likely to face apes in the twenty-first century.
Keynote speakers include Dr. David Chivers for lesser apes, Dr. Carel van
Schaik for orangutans, Dr. Gay Reinartz for bonobos, Dr. Claudia
Olejniczak for gorillas and Dr. Toshisada Nishida for chimpanzees. Our
plenary speaker is Dr. Russell Mittermeier, president of Conservation
International. The conference will include several days of presentations
as well as an icebreaker, round table discussions, and a day at Brookfield
Zoo including a silent auction, a raffle and a banquet. Immediately
following the conference Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago will host the North
American Ape Taxon Advisory Group meetings. The Brookfield Zoo Conference
Planning Committee invites you to present papers, posters, or videos
pertaining to husbandry, medicine, nutrition, behavior, taxonomy,
reproduction, fieldwork, or conservation matters. Deadline for abstract
submission is February 15, 2000. For information on registration and
submission of abstracts contact the Brookfield Zoo Ape Conference Planning
Committee at (708) 485-0263 ext 604, FAX (708) 485-3140 or e-mail
Fourth International Penguin Conference
Coquimbo, Chile
September 4 - 8 2000
For Further info :
Panda 2000 International Conference
An international conference on the giant panda will be held in San Diego,
California (USA) October 16-19, 2000. The Zoological Society of San Diego
and the World Wildlife Fund are co- hosts. A program consisting primarily
of work-shops, panel discussions and poster sessions is planned. Topics
in conservation, education, training, research, health, reproduction, and
captive management will be co covered. Persons interested in attending
this meeting are encouraged to contact the Local Arrangements Chair:
Helena Fitch-Snyder, Zool. Soc. of San Diego, PO Box 120551, San Diego, CA
92112. Phone: (619) 557-3954, FAX: (619) 557-3959; E-mail
5th International Aquarium Congress
Organised by the Oceanographic Institute of Oceanography
20 - 25th November 2000
For further information email:
or write to : Secretariat of the 5th IAC 2000, Oceanographic Institute,
Av.St.Martin, MC 98000 Monaco Tel.: +377-93-25.36.00, Fax :
Help Wanted
Zoo Biology
To subscribe send an e-mail to:
For those of you unfamiliar with Email groups they work like this. You
subscribe. You can then pose questions, answer questions, make
observations, inform or just read the Email. This will arrive with some
regularity (depending on the flow of information). By Zoo Biology I mean
anything relating to zoo management. Hediger described this as “the
science which embraced everything which was biologically relevant to the
management of the zoological garden.” The more that join up the more
effective a management tool it will become. Go on, give it a try, and
subscribe. Remember no-one will pressurize you to contribute....but you
may want to help. There is a members only chat site attached to Zoo
Biology. This appears to work quite well. There are over 300 Zoo Biology
subscribers to date. More join each week. ------------ Sites worth
checking out Have you got a suggestion? Let me check it out.
Asiatic Lion Information Centre
Most e-mail packages will allow you to point and click on the site address
(hyperlink). This should launch your web browser and send you directly to
the site. If your package will not do this you will have to use cut and
paste. Cutting from this e-mail and pasting in your browsers address
column...then press return and away you go! The other problem you may have
is that the site address is longer than the page width. You will have to
cut and paste twice, taking care that you marry to the two halves exactly.
Some of these links are quite short lived, but I have checked them all
today and they all work.. If you have a problem, do let me know.
Zoo News Digest is sent out to a large number of interested parties
worldwide each week. I haven’t done a count lately but last time I did
over 300 different Zoos were represented. If you know of anyone who you
think would like to be included please e-mail me or get them to mail me
directly. I would appreciate just a line or two letting me know something
of work area and interests. If you would like to include notification of
any items of interest i.e. Meetings, seminars, job vacancies please
contact me. I would also appreciate any short, breaking, news items you
may pen yourself. Many thanks.
For those of you who have not received the News previously, you have been
included because someone has suggested you might be interested. If this is
not the case please email me and I shall remove your name.
Kind Regards,
Wishing you a wonderful week,
Peter Dickinson
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