No apologies as I return this week once again to the bushmeat problem. A
bit of bad news and a bit of good news. Firstly those of you who did not
see the Sunday Times article should take a look at the following: Chimps
on the menu in Brussels restaurants
999. This address was posted on the alloprimate listserv and I have had no
problem loading it up. A new dimension is that we have is the proposed
slaughterhouse for baboons to supply the bushmeat and Asiatic medicine
market. Read Canned baboon the latest dish to hit Africa's stores? Once you
have looked at this, why not spend a minute to register your protest by
going to : Currently there are
rumours of a huge numbers of baboons dying of a mystery virus in Ethiopia.
Perhaps that may put a few people of the idea of eating them. On a happier
note I had a letter from Stephen Woollard of Bristol Zoo Gardens with
reference to Bushmeat. This is reproduced here:
We've been working with
the Ape Alliance - a very eclectic group of organisations including a
couple of zoos, Born Free Foundation, WSPA and Jane Goodall Institute to
name a few, to raise the profile of this issue and begin to tackle the
problem. Bristol Zoo Gardens has also adopted the Cameroon Wildlife Aid
Fund (CWAF) as a project to support as part of our responsibility to
support animals we keep in captivity as part of conservation breeding
programmes, in this case western lowland gorillas, in the wild as well.
CWAF is presently based at Yaounde Zoo in Cameroon. The Zoo has some
orphaned animals because of the bush-meat trade, but is also a place with
potential for education of local people about their indigenous wildlife.
Yaounde Zoo and CWAF are hoping to relocate to the edge of town, to a huge
new site (500 hectares!) of secondary forest and 'natural habitat'. This
has the support, in principle, from the government. We are hoping to raise
many thousands of pounds to support this work, as well to lend our
expertise wherever possible. Our Operations Manager, Dr. Bryan Carroll,
visited Cameroon last year to investigate the project, and Chris Mitchell,
who 'runs' CWAF is a UK national who lives in Cameroon,visiting the UK
frequently. (CWAF is a registered charity in the UK).Our association with
CWAF and work to tackle the bush-meat trade has been adopted by the
Federation of Zoos in the UK for one of their two 'Primate Week' projects.
Hopefully, some other zoos around the country will be spreading the word,
especially from 29 May to 6 June. If anyone wants information about CWAF,
our project etc. they can contact various people here at Bristol Zoo
Gardens - but for simplicity either contact Neil Maddison, Fund Raising
Manager or myself, Stephen Woollard, Asst. Head of Education. Bristol Zoo
Gardens, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3HA, UK Tel: 0117 970 6176 Fax: 0117
973 6814 email:
Well done Bristol.
I had a problem this week with ZooNews Digest being mailed to someone who
had no interest
in receiving it. All a bit complicated and is not sorted out properly even
now. The biggest difficulty was that the recipient only spoke German and,
regretfully I do not. I managed to understand all mail he sent to me and
to reply by using This is an
excellent programme and one which it is well worth bookmarking on your
The Zoo Biology group started the week quietly but got busier towards the
end. We are getting an excellent response to some questions and very
little to others. If you have not joined Zoo Biology yet, do give it a
try. Joining is easy, just send an Email to : zoo-biology-
Pandas' public debut falls short of park's expectations
(Ocean Park)
Conference boosts endangered beasts
(Cincinnati Zoo)
Rare snow leopard receives new hip
(Kansas City Zoo)
A quiet trade in surplus zoo animals
(Several collections mentioned)
This would appear to be yet another zoo attack based on rumour and
inaccurate information. AZA gave an excellent response : 19 May 1999 Mr.
Roger O'Neil Correspondent NBC Nightly News 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York,
NY 10112-002
Dear Mr. O'Neil,
We watched with disappointment the first part of your "In Depth" series
last evening. As we stated to you during your interview here, we are
fundamentally opposed to your implication that AZA-accredited zoos are the
root of the exotic animal trade in the United States. We are as concerned
about the problem as you, and would like to see animals taken out of the
hands of careless individuals. The fact is, we have had a campaign in
place for many years preaching that "Wild Animals Do Not Make Good Pets"
and our members have the task of dealing with abandoned exotic pets every
day. As disappointing to us as the implications of your first segment were
the following inaccuracies: Mr. Brokaw's introduction stated that "What
you see here is not illegal," and the accompanying video showcased four
species - two of those species, gorilla and Asian elephant are endangered
species. It is illegal to "take" an endangered species without a permit
or a captive-bred wildlife certificate. Hunting of endangered species is
not a legal activity. In the body of the segment we found: 1. "Last year,
more than 130 million people visited zoos in North America." The figures
AZA provided to you stated, "Over 134 million people visited AZA member
zoos AND aquariums in 1998." AZA represents only 8.5% of the licensed
wildlife exhibitors in the U.S. and our statistics do not apply to the
other 2,000 or so. 2. The "visits that generated $1 billion in revenue"
was not revenue to zoos, but a $1.2 billion in economic impact to the
local communities. Both of these facts were submitted to you, and your
news department in New York, in writing. The misuse is misleading to your
viewers. 3. Our name was incorrect twice. It is the American Zoo and
Aquarium Association. The first instance we were called the "American
Zoological Association" and this is also the wording on your web page
regarding this story. The second instance was the tag under Dr. Michael
Hutchins name and it was listed as the "Am. Zoo and Aquarium Soc." We
ask that you correctly state our name, both on the news and on your
website. 4. On your website there is a list titled "The Biggest
Suppliers." It begins with "Here are the accredited zoos...," however, two
on the list are not accredited by the AZA. Mesker Park Zoo, Evansville,
Indiana; and Little Rock Zoological Gardens, Little Rock, Arkansas, both
lost their accreditation in 1998. Please bring this to the attention of
your webmasters. The AZA does believe there is a heavy trade in exotic
species. The United States is the world's number one black market for
smuggled animals. Animals that are confiscated are often brought to our
zoos for emergency care and safekeeping until a permanent home can be
found for them. As advocates for the conservation of animals and their
habitats, we speak out against keeping wild animals as pets - you may be
aware that many of them tend to turn up on our doorsteps when the owners
tire of them. However, our policies and procedures, and those of our 184-
accredited members, are written to prevent the animals that we care for
from ending up in the hands of those not properly qualified to care for
them. Thank you for your attention to the matters listed above. Sincerely,
Jane Ballentine Director/Public Affairs cc: Andrew Lack, President, NBC
Tom Brokaw, Host, NBC Nightly News
Stephanie Dowling, Production, NBC Nightly News
Terry Maple, CEO/President Zoo Atlanta, AZA Board President
Sydney Butler, Executive Director, AZA
All AZA members, AZA website
20 May 1999
Mr. Andrew Lack
NBC News
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112-002
Dear Mr. Lack:
We have seen and evaluated the second segment of the NBC Nightly News "In
Depth" investigation of zoo surplus animals. To those of us in the
zoological profession, this was an in depth distortion, not an in depth
investigation. Following is a list of the inaccuracies and misleading
innuendoes in the second segment. 1. The use of the black leopard
footage, and the implication that this animal came from an AZA zoo, is
exceptionally misleading. Prior to his interview with Dr. Michael
Hutchins here at AZA, we told Mr. O'Neil that the footage was 8 or
9-years-old and that the animal did not come from one of our member zoos.
Mr. O'Neil replied that NBC had the footage and was going to use it
anyway. In fact, this leopard hunt home video footage was from a September
1990 federal case. The investigating agent never alleged that the animal
came from an AZA zoo, and we reconfirmed that with him just yesterday.
The footage from your first segment was from a 1991 federal case brought
by the same agent, and again he stated that he had no evidence that the
lion or tiger came from an AZA zoo. 2. The two Milwaukee County Zoo
elephants shown at the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) facility
were not "rescued." The Zoo underwent an extensive search for a proper
facility for Annie and Tamara, including the PAWS facility. Ms. Derby's
facility was initially found to be lacking in certain areas. When
improvements were made and the facility was re-inspected, the zoo made the
recommendation to move the elephants. These facts were made clear to Mr.
O'Neil, both via a telephone interview, and in writing, when he asked the
Milwaukee County Zoo why the animals were given to PAWS. 2. At the end of
Mr. O'Neil's report he states, "The two abused elephants from Milwaukee,
Tamara and Annie..." There is, in fact, no basis for the accusation that
these elephants were abused. We would be interested in knowing how Mr.
O'Neil came to such a conclusion. If he has such evidence, we ask that he
provide it. If not, he should retract his allegations in writing to me.
3. On your web page for this segment, there is a photo of an elephant
with the caption, "This elephant at a zoo in Milwaukee was beaten and then
put up for sale." The elephant in the photo is in fact an African
elephant, not an Asian elephant as were both the Milwaukee County Zoo
elephants. As stated earlier, there is no evidence that Tamara and Annie
were abused. 4. The statement that 18 animals were taken away from the
Baton Rouge Zoo, "no strings attached," is not true. The Baton Rouge Zoo
had a signed contract with stipulations for proper care and disposition.
This contract was violated. The zoo no longer deals with this company,
and the current director has made the zoo's disposition policy even more
stringent. 5. "There are no laws to protect most zoo animals, so the [AZA
Ethics] code is the only safety net." On the contrary, there are numerous
international, federal, state and local laws that pertain to zoo animals,
whether they be endangered, exotic or domestic species. The Convention on
the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES), the Endangered
Species Act (ESA), the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), and the Animal
Welfare Act (AWA), are but a few among the many. AZA has in the past,
and will continue in the future, to advocate very forcefully for the
implementation and enforcement of these important laws. Mr. Lack, as an
association of zoological professionals with a Code of Professional
Ethics, we expect to be held under a microscope for animal care and
handling. We hold ourselves to high standards, and we constantly evaluate
those standards. We welcome and foster improvement. We are proud to be
in this profession, and proud to carry our conservation messages to the
public, and to those striving to protect animals and habitat around the
world. We are not perfect, but we most emphatically are not what your "In
Depth" investigation would lead the public to believe. Sincerely,
Sydney Butler
Executive Director
cc: Roger O'Neil, Correspondent, NBC News
Tom Brokaw, Host, NBC Nightly News
Stephanie Dowling, Production, NBC Nightly News
Terry L. Maple, Ph.D., CEO/President Zoo Atlanta, AZA Board
President All AZA members, AZA website
Cow dies after being trapped in gate at Town Park zoo
(Harlow Children`s Zoo)
What's in a name? At the zoo, it's thanks.
(Philadelphia Zoo)
Manatees carrying heavy load of hopes
(Cincinnati Zoo)
Some odd facts from Woodland Park Zoo's past
Animal specialists focus on saving species
(Cincinnati Zoo)
$4 million zoo exhibit re-creates Florida ecosystem
(Cincinnati Zoo)
Enartec In On Indianapolis Zoo
Chimp Doors Left Open Even Before Attack
(Hogle Zoo)
USDA says 'past errors' at ape house reported
(Hogle Zoo),1249,100002756,00.html?
Wildlife World Zoo seeks added space
(private West Valley zoo)
Icee, the polar bear, dies
(Tulsa Zoo)
Zoo needs more staff, money, says specialist
(Mesker Park Zoo)
l+19990518+ne ws
Donations for elephant habitat taken from store
(Mesker Park Zoo)
Tiger suffocates his mate
(Cheyenne Mountain Zoo)
Siberian Tiger to Remain on Display in Colorado Zoo After `Freak Accident'
(Cheyenne Mountain Zoo)
Mystery chimp baby stomped to death at L.A. Zoo
Baby giraffe’s sex is found
(Dickerson Park Zoo)
Although I could not find an online news article I understand that the
Chinese authorities have at long last extended protection to the Chiru.
Lets hope that this has not come too late. For your interest I have
included the next few sites.
Group seeking protection of chiru
Chiru faces extinction over its wool
Demand for wool could lead to rare animal`s extinction
Alarm sounds as rare Northern Idaho squirrel loses ground
Berserk elephant kills two men
(Elephant Conservation Centre)
Capture Of Elephants To Be Viewed Live On The Internet
A condor from Paramus spreads wings in the wild
Tracking the lynx
Tasmanian magazine on endangered species launched
Study adds to evidence elephants were once aquatic
Bit & Pieces
Operant Conditioning Listserv/AZA Training Mailing List
After one or two early hiccups in arrangements this has now come into
operation. If you would like to subscribe send an Email to : Please note that this is an AZA listserv.
--------- ABWAK Have you visited the the ABWAK site lately? It has been
redesigned and looks quite different. Why not enter through the new forum and have a look around.
----------- The 1999 edition of our zoo directory "Quantum Verzeichnis"
has just been published and is available either through bookshops under
ISBN 3-930962-99-3 or direct from us at the address below (DM 25/Euro
12.75/$18/£10). Although technically in German, the 288 page book is easy
to read, listing addresses, phone, fax, emails and internet addresses for
747 european zoos, 195 organisations, 2,424 individuals indexed with 1,200
emails. Quantum Conservation e.V. Heeder Dorfstrasse 44, 49356 Diepholz,
Germany Tel: 0049-(0)-5441-82133 Fax: 0049-(0)5441-82132 As I got my
own copy of this directory three weeks ago I have found it extremely
useful. It contains a mass of information (I must have referred to it over
a dozen time this week) and yet it is extremely portable. $18/£10 is money
well spent. Buy it! Peter ---------- AZA Resource Center Tired of
reinventing the wheel for every new project? Want your information now,
without waiting for packages, mail, or faxes to arrive? Let your mouse do
the walking, ... check out the new online AZA Resource Center! This
"Members Only" service debuts on Thursday, May 6, 1999, at To log on, simply click on "Members" then on "Members
Only" then type in your first initial and last name (no spaces) and your
AZA member number (it's on your Communique label and your embership card).
You'll find yourself in a haven of documents that will help you develop a
crisis communications plan, rejuvenate your Board of Directors, raise
those precious dollars or outline an ambitious new strategic plan. Also
included are more than 500 organized, annotated links to other Web sites -
connecting you to information on environmental education curricula, Y2K
planning, professional organizations, taxonomy databases, accessibility
guidelines, and federal funding programs. The Resource Center has a wealth
of practical, working documents contributed by AZA members, and we want to
thank all of those who supplied us with these important resources. We
will continue to expand the offerings and if you have anything you would
like to contribute, please contact Kate Bronislawski, Resource Center
Curator at or by calling (301)562-0777 x259.
---------- Edinburgh Zoo - “Captive Animal Behaviour And Welfare” -
International Summer School running from 5-16th July. For further
information email : ----------- UNUSUAL ANIMAL
CAREERS! Take a walk on the wild side & explore careers with animals! Go
WILD with exotic careers or TAME it down with pet professions! PO Box
1154, Escondido, CA 92033 USA Email: Phone:
760.599.3697 There are many different types of jobs and many different
industries for both wild and domestic animals! We have designed a postcard
and a flyer announcing our new catalog of courses and how to obtain
enrollment information. Classes are currently held in the San Diego area
of California. Due to the demand and special requests, national and now
international courses are being scheduled. I have had the opportunity to
look at Diana`s Catalog. This is extremely broad ranging and well worth a
look if you are based in the San Diego area.
Zoo Staff Personals
Following a suggestion I am including Zoo Staff Personals. Although the
scope is large I see it more as a place to appeal for accomodation when
doing the “Grand Zoo Tour”.
Situations Vacant
(please mention you saw the advertisement in Zoo News Digest should you
apply for any of these posts, many thanks)
Reliable project manager for an international species conservation and
research project in the Philippines (PESCP). Prerequisites: organisational
skills, talent for cooperation with the native people and dealings with
local politicians, perfect English, high reliability in accounting,
knowledge about animal care, animal transport and scientific methods and
readiness to acquire good knowledge about the Philippine fauna. A minimum
employment duration of three years is necessary since the manifold tasks
require a longer period of adjustment. - Payment taxfree on per diem
allowance basis; amount: more than sixfold the amount of local costs of
living. Contact: Prof. Dr. E. Curio Conservation Biology Unit Faculty of
Biology Ruhr-University Bochum D-44780 Bochum Germany Phone:
xx49-234-7002858, Fax: xx49-234-7094472. E-mail: ---------- Post of Conservation
Coordinator The Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and
Ireland (The Federation of Zoos), the umbrella organisation representing
the professional zoo community in Britain and Ireland, is seeking to
appoint a Conservation Coordinator on a contractual basis for a period of
three years. The primary responsibilities of the successful candidate will
include: > the coordination, monitoring, promotion and recording of
species conservation programmes in zoological collections; >the provision
of support to the Taxon Advisory Groups; >liaison with other
national,regional and international zoo associations and partnership
organisations; >the monitoring of Management Guidelines for the welfare
and husbandry of animals in zoos; >liaison with the Federation’s Research
Group; >acting as one of the Federation’s spokespersons on animal related
matters; and >assisting with appropriate training programmes for
Federation Members. The successful candidate is expected to work as part
of a small team and share the day-to-day responsibilities with the
Director and Administrative secretary. In addition, the successful
candidate will be computer literate,attain a good working knowledge of
conservation skills. Experience of conservation work in the field would be
an advantage. Salary range: £15,000 - £20,000 (including London weighting)
depending on age, experience and skills. The probationary period will be
six months. Applicants should send a copy of their curriculum vitas,
together with the names and addresses of two referees, to The
Administrative Secretary, The Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great
Britain and Ireland, Zoological Gardens, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY to
be received by 31st May 1999 ------------ Bird Keeper The Durrel Wildlife
Conservation Trust has an opening within its Bird Department for a keeper.
Applicants should have previous experience and preferably a degree in
Biological Science or equivalent. This is an opportunity for a dedicated
aviculturist to play an active and developing role in the management of
various avian breeding programmes, including the Mauritius pink pigeon and
Congo peafowl. Opportunity also exists for studbook work and research.
This is a Grade C position, full time covering forty one and a quarter
hours per week, with salary scale of £11,195 - £13,545, depending on
skills and experience. Applications should be sent to Miss D. Whittaker,
Personnel Administrator, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Les Augres
Manor, Trinity, Jersey JE3 5BP. Closing date for applications is Monday
31st May 1999 ----------- A small Cat Keeper and a Rhino Keeper are
required at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park. Applicants should be over 18
years of age and have a clean driving licence. Please apply in writing to
Port Lympne Wild Animal Park, Lympne, nr Hythe, Kent. CT21 4PD -----------
Marine Mammal Promotions is looking for a sealion trainer/presenter for a
brand new enclosure at Combe Martin Wildlife Park, North Devon. Ideally
the candidate should have some experience with Californian Sealions and/or
South African Fur Seals, although this is not essential as training will
be given. As well as the Sealions' general care the successful applicant
will be required to perform up to three shows a day for the public using
the Californians and to keep up their training. Accommodation is available
with the post and salary will be dependent upon experience and/or
qualifications. Any interested parties should please send their C.V.
together with current colour photo to Miss M Adamson, Marine Mammal
Promotions, 86 Churchill Way, Taunton, Somerset, TAO 3QS. ----------- The
Scientific Center - Kuwait is looking for suitably qualified candidates to
take up short term (2 year) resident appointments. The work involves
starting up and operating a new world- class institution containing a
large Desert/Aquarium facility that focuses on the regional ecosystem and
cultural heritage of Kuwait. The following hands-on positions include
collecting activities, developing animal husbandry programmes, and
training of the local staff. Excellent salary and benefits.
General Curator-requires a university or higher degree in biological
sciences or related fields and eight years` practical aquarium experience
with minimum five years supervisory and management experience in all
phases of animal husbandry, engineering and education during start-up and
operational periods. Principally responsible for all department
activities including management of the entire animal collection, personnel
and budgets.
Curator of desert collection - requires university degree in zoology or
related field and five years` practical zoo experience in all phases of
animal husbandry and exhibit management. Primarily responsible for the
management of a diverse desert animal collection including mammals, birds,
reptiles and invertebrates.
Senior aquarist of invertebrate collection - requires university degree in
marine biology or related field and two years` practical aquarium
experience in animal husbandry and exhibit maintenance. Responsible for
the supervision of the aquatic collection including live corals,
jellyfish, cuttlefish and other marine invertebrates.
Send letter of introduction and resume to IDEA Inc., P.O.Box 3504,
Salmiya, Kuwait 22036 or fax to +965 571-7371 ----------- ASSISTANT ZOO
NUTRITIONIST/ Wildlife Conservation Society Requires MS in Animal Science
(nutrition emphasis), Nutrition, or Wildlife Ecology; PhD and /or
demonstrated interest in Comparative Nutrition preferred. Must have
experience in diet formulation or research with wildlife feeding
management, and /or commissary supervision in a zoological institution.
Will assist with diet review, foodstuff quality assessment, and economic
evaluation of Nutrition programs for all facilities served by the Zoo
Nutrition Center of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Expected to also
conduct, advise, publish, and present scientific papers on research topics
involving comparative animal nutrition. Salary commensurate with
experience. Housing subsidy possible. Position closes June 1st to begin
July 15th. Send resume and letter of intent to Wildlife Conservation
Society, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10460, Att: Ellen
Dierenfeld. ----------- For the most up to date links to sites advertising
Zoo work go to:
7th World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species
May 22 - 26 1999
Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio, USA
for more details contact:
Grace Rettig (Fax 1-513-559-7791)
or E-mail :
ECM 3rd European Congress of Mammalogy
May 30- June 4 1999
Jyvaskyla, Finland
For further details contact :
Old World Monkey Taxonomic Advisory Group (OWMTAG)
June 4, 5 and 6, 1999
Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City, Utah
The meetings are open to anyone interested in these animals and/or
programs. Everyone planning to attend the meetings should contact
Kimberly Davidson (email: or phone (801) 584-1703
or FAX (801) 584-1762. An anticipated attendance list will then be
generated and a tentative itinerary will be mailed. The meetings are
scheduled to begin at 8:30 am on Friday, June 4th and continue through
Sunday, June 6th at Utah's Hogle Zoo.
British Veterinary Zoological Society
The Spring Meeting will be held on June 5/6th 1999 at Paignton Zoological
and Botanical Gardens,Paignton,Devon.The theme will be "Recent advances in
Enviromental enrichment,Nutrition and Legislation of Zoo and Exotic Pet
Animals". Further details of the programme and accomodation can be
obtained from Derek Lyon BVSc MRCVS "Brackenwood" 67,Wynnstay Lane,
Marford, Wrexham, North Wales LL12 8LH.Tel 01978 852866 Fax 01978 852065
Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and Ireland Research
Group One Day Symposium on Zoo Research 10th June 1999 Paignton Zoo
Environmental Park Paignton, Devon This symposium aims to bring together
researchers working within zoological gardens. Most such researchers are
students and it is hoped that they, in particular, will offer to give
presentations and that we can generate a supportive and encouraging
atmosphere for them. However, presentations by more experienced scientists
are also very welcome. There is no restriction on the scientific
discipline discussed but presentations must include recent results of
research conducted wholly or mostly within zoos. The registration fee is
£10 including tea/coffee and lunch. The symposium will start at 9.30am at
the earliest and papers will be approximately 20 minutes each. If there is
enough interest, we will be happy to arrange tours of Paignton Zoo with
members of our Science Department on the afternoon of 9th June. If you
would like to present a paper or poster please submit a title as soon as
possible using the enclosed registration form and a 300 word abstract (by
email if possible) before the 30th April 1999. All details can be obtained
either via Paignton Zoo on email or the
Federation office on email
Fig-Parrot Captive Husbandry Workshop
At Currumbin Sanctuary, Queensland, Australia
22-23rd June 1999
Currumbin Sanctuary will be hosting a workshop on the captive husbandry of
Fig-Parrots 22- 23rd June 1999. This will be following the "Birds 99"
convention being held in Brisbane 18- 21st June 1999. The aim of the
workshop is to have as many breeders of Fig-Parrots and other interested
people together as possible. At the workshop it is envisaged that in
working groups a comprehensive Husbandry Manual will be compiled. The
husbandry manual will cover all aspects of housing, breeding, feeding and
health. The two day workshop will be held at Currumbin Sanctuary at a cost
of $50.00 per person which covers morning and afternoon tea and lunch on
both days as well as a copy of the husbandry manual. Currumbin Sanctuary
is located on the Gold Coast one hour's drive south from Brisbane.
Accommodation is readily available in the area and Coolangatta Airport is
only five minutes away. People unable to attend but who may be able to
offer information are encouraged to supply their information and in return
they will receive a copy of the workshop results. Following the workshop
there is a post workshop trip to North Queensland with world renown parrot
expert Joe Forshaw. The trip will include 2 full days in Cairns/Kuranda
followed by 5 days in Iron Range on Cape York. This trip of a lifetime
will afford those participants a wonderful time looking at wild
Fig-Parrots (Macleay's & Marshall's), Palm Cockatoos, Red- cheeked Parrots
and Eclectus Parrots to name just a small selection. Spaces are limited to
15 people so if interested please contact Liz Romer ASAP. For information
on both the workshop and post workshop tour please contact Liz Romer
Currumbin Sanctuary 28 Tomewin St Currumbin Qld Australia 4223 Fax +61 7
5534 7427 Phone +61 7 5525 0197 Email
For information on Birds 99 contact The Registrar, Birds 99, PO Box 600,
Nundah Qld 4012 Australia. Fax +61 7 5498 9914.
2nd International Wildlife Management Congress
28 June - 2 July 1999
Godollo, Hungary
For further details contact :
PR & Marketing in Zoos »Marketing Zoos beyond 2000: Amsterdam«
The second conference on PR & Marketing, 3 rd. June thru 6th June 1999, is
now taking shape. The conference committee have now finalized the draft
for the conference, and you may obtain a sneeky preview by contacting one
of the organizers at and have the program sent as
Corell WordPerfect 6/7/8-file or MS Word 6/7-file (please state which
system you use). Program will be in the mail by mid-April for those who
have received the first call, and by then all the names of the speakers
will be confirmed. In the mail will also be yet another registration form,
should the first have gone astray. If you require further information at
this time please contact Henning Julin, Director of Aalborg Zoo on :
The 1999 meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists (ASM)
University of Washington, Seattle
June 20-24 1999
This will include spoken and poster sessions on marine mammals. The ASM
Marine Mammal
Committee has also organised a symposium at the event entitled 'Marine
Mammals: The Next Century'. For more information, contact : Paul Anderson,
Chair, ASM Marine Mammal Committee at
Animal Behavior Society
June 26-30
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA USA
see website for more details
III CONGRESS of the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation: All
researchers are invited to participate in this week-long congress, 4-9
July 1999, in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Field trips are offered on 10-12
July. More than 500 participants are expected, from all branches of
biology and conservation. The congress provides an important opportunity
for foreign researchers looking for local collaborators, national contacts
for government permissions, or information on potential field sites, since
most participants will be Central American and Mexican. The first day will
be dedicated to registration and the inauguration, while the following
days will have scheduled papers sessions, symposia and workshops. One day
will be reserved to celebrate the annual general assembly of the Society.
The objective of the congress is to "Promote the exchange of information
and progress in the field of conservation biology." The activities include
keynote lectures, open papers sessions, symposia and workshops on specific
topics or projects, and poster and audiovisual sessions. There will also
be roundtable discussions of topics related to the Society's mission,
ecotourism trips (during the weekend of 10-12 July), and cultural
activities that will demonstrate the cultural richness of the country.
Several field trips are scheduled. Papers on any topic related to biology
or conservation are welcome, but are especially sought if they match one
of six general themes for the congress.: The program of symposia,
workshops, open papers sessions, plus information on lodging, registration
costs, and deadlines, can be seen in the Congress Convocatoria, at the
Society's webpage:
The deadline for abstracts is 31 March 1999 but requests for extensions
will be considered. You can contact the Society's US representative for
the latest information in English: Mark Bonta, Louisiana State University,
E- mail, Telephone (504) 383-1073.
10th Arctic Ungulate Conference
August 9 - 12 1999
University of Tromso, Norway
For further information contact :
American Federation of Aviculture 25th Annual Convention
Information about the 1999 AFA Convention
which will be held in Denver Aug 11-15
can be found at
On the site now is the speaker line-up, special events information and the
registration form. August 12 - 15, 1999 Adams-Mark Hotel Denver,Colorado
Further details available in January,1999 Email:,,or Info on web site
early 1999:
V111th European Bat Research Symposium
August 23 - 27 1999
Cracow Poland
Chiropterology Information Centre
30- 016 Krakow Poland
ph +4812/422-64-10
Fourth International Enrichment Conference
29th August - 3rd September 1999
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Details are now available from the Shape of Enrichment website:
The Shape of Enrichment, Inc is pleased to announce a grant of $1,000 U.S.
to be used towards expenses to attend The Fourth International Conference
on Environmental Enrichment. The winning paper will be presented during
the conference. More details of this from the enrichment site.
16th EAZA/EEP Annual Conference
Basel Zoo, Switzerland
September 8 - 12 1999
For further information contact :
EAZA offices
26th National Conference of the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc.
September 12 - 16 1999 Portland, Oregon Hosted by the Portland AAZK
Chapter and The Oregon Zoo. For information contact: Jan McCoy, The
Oregon Zoo, 4001 S.W. Canyon Rd., Portland, OR 97221. Fax: (503) 226-6836
European Zoo Educators (EZE) Conference
Safari Beekse Bergen; Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands
16 - 20 September 1999
For further details contact: Chris Peters; IZE-Regional Representative for
Europe/Middle-East e-mail:
Veterinary conference on Australian Wildlife
Western Plains Zoo, Australia
September 13 - 17, 1999.
Topics include zoonoses, medicine and surgery of
macropods, reptiles, bats, native birds and amphibia as well as pest
control and assisted reproduction. Interested parties can contact :
David Blyde on
Waterfowl Information Network-International Conference
16-17 September 1999
The Royal Veterinary College, London
For further information please contact :
VI International Symposium on the Preservation of the Przewalski Horse 5 -
7 October 1999 Kyiv, Askania-Nova For further details contact :
CBSG Annual Meeting
15 - 17 October 1999
Pretoria, South Africa
For further details contact :
World Zoo Organisation Annual Conference
18 - 21 October 1999
Pretoria, South Africa
For further details contact :
Sarita Cronje, National Zoo, P.O.Box 754, Pretoria 0001, South Africa.
(Fax 27-12-323-4540)
Research and Captive Propagation in Birds
Research and Captive Propagation in Birds„
21st October – 23rd October 1999 at Antwerp Zoo
The goal of the meeting is to stimulate an exchange of knowledge from
scientific investigations and from zoo breeding experiences to improve
success in keeping and breeding of problematic species. What are the key
factors for successful captive management and propagation? Can research
improve breeding success? Can we generalise some findings and, in
contrast, are there groups or species requiring special attention? Are
there concepts derived from livestock production or behavioural ecology
that can be adapted and/or techniques that should be tested for
applicability to zoo propagation? As in the years before contributions
(papers and posters) are welcome from all relevant fields of biology (e.g.
reproductive behaviour and physiology, systematics including DNA studies
and reproduction techniques).
We have invited two plenary speakers:
E. Thaler: The influence of controlled imprinting and nutrition on the
behaviour of hand-raised birds. C. Ten Cate: Ontogeny of avian
communication and song learning.
Further confirmed talks are among others:
Dorrestein, G.M.: Frequent pathological findings in captive bred birds –
iron metabolism. Hofmann, G. & C. Mettke-Hofmann: Breeding success and
colour of nesting material - is there a relation? Lieberman, A. & C.
Kuehler: Captive propagation as a tool for the restoration of endangered
Hawaiin forest birds. Walzer, C., Bögel, R. & Karl, E.: The free-flying
Griffon vulture colony at the Salzburg zoo: Historical background and
recent research. Wanker, R.: Social system and acoustic communication of
spectacled parrotlets: Research in captivity and in the wild.
Deadline for submission of talks and posters is 30 June 1999; The
deadline for the abstracts is 15 July 1999. For more information please
contact PD Dr. U. Gansloßer FAX (+49-911-97 95 800 or Dr. C.
Mettke-Hofmann +49-8152-373 133 , e-mail (
PD Dr. Udo Gansloßer - Catherine E. King - Mark Pilgrim -
Dr. Claudia Mettke- Hofmann Institut fuer Zoologie
f. Ornithologie Universitaet Erlangen der
Gesellschaft Staudtstrasse 5 Von
der Tann Strasse 7 D
– 91058 Erlangen
D – 82346 Andechs
Antwerp Zoo
October 21-23 1999
For Further info :
29th North American Symposium on Bat Research
October 27-30 1999
Maddison Wisconsin USA
Tom Griffiths
Dept of Biology, Illinois Weslean University, Bloomington IL 61702
Ph 309-536-3230
fax 309-536-3411
British and Irish Zoo Educators Conference (BIZE)
Fota Wildlife Park, Co. Cork, Ireland
18-21 November 1999
The conference organiser is Lynda McSweeney
tel 00353 21 812 678 or fax 00353 21 812 744
Zoo and Exotic Animal Anaesthesia and Surgery
20-21 November 1999 at the Meeting Rooms, Zoological Society of London.
This 2 days meeting will concentrate on the modern approach and advances
within the field of anaesthesia and surgery in birds, reptiles, small
mammals, zoo animals, fish, etc etc etc. For registration details please
contact Derek Lyon ( Brackenwood, 67 Wynnstay Lane,
Marford, Wrexham LL12 8LH, UK. Fax: 44 (0)1978 852065 Anyone wishing to
present a paper should contact Steve Divers ( Exotic
Animal Centre, 12 Fitzilian Avenue, Harold Wood, Romford, Essex RM3 0QS,
UK. Fax: 44 (0)1708 344318. You don't have to be an academic high
roller, super specialist or all round action packed super hero. Student
papers, reviews, new techniques and procedures, as well as original
research are all very welcome.
The 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, organised
by the Society for Marine Mammalogy, will be held from 29 November to 3
December 1999 in Kihei, Hawaiian Islands. The deadline for abstracts is 1
June and for workshop proposals 1 March. For further information contact
Gene Nitta, Conference Chair, at
or Paul Nachtigall, Scientific Program Chair, at
"Zoo-Kunft 2000"
25 - 27 February 2000
Allwetterzoo Münster
The main theme will be "The Human (and) Apes in zoos and the wild".
Speakers are not yet fixed. Registration and further information (when
available) is at the web site at :
Third International Asian Hornbill Workshop
The Third International Asian Hornbill Workshop will be held in April/May
2000 in Singapore, with a post-workshop excursion to the Budo & Hala-Bala
Research Site, south Thailand. If you are interested in attending, please
write to either: Ms Ng Bee Choo, c/o Nature's Niche, Bukit Timah Nature
Reserve Visitor Centre, 177 Hindhede Drive, Singapore 589333. Tel, +65
4636571, fax +65 4636572, e.mail or Dr Pilai
Poonswad, Hornbill Project Thailand, c/o Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Science, Mahidol Unversity, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400,
Thailand. Fax +66 26445411, e.mail
“The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century”
May 10 -14 2000
Hilton, Lisle/Naperville
Hosted by The Chicago Zoological Society, (Brookfield Zoo)
A unique conference focusing on the apes of the world. It is hoped to
bring together researchers, zoo personnel and field biologists from all
over the world. Keynote speakers include Dr. David Chivers for lesser
apes, Dr. Carel van Schaik for Orangutans, Dr. Gay Reinartz for Bonobos,
Dr. Claudia Olejniczak for Gorillas and Dr. Toshisada Nishida for
Chimpanzees. Additional information and details regarding conference
registration will be announced in mid May.
Fourth International Penguin Conference
Coquimbo, Chile
September 4 - 8 2000
For Further info :
Panda 2000 International Conference
An international conference on the giant panda will be held in San Diego,
California (USA) October 16-19, 2000. The Zoological Society of San Diego
and the World Wildlife Fund are co- hosts. A program consisting primarily
of work-shops, panel discussions and poster sessions is planned. Topics
in conservation, education, training, research, health, reproduction, and
captive management will be co covered. Persons interested in attending
this meeting are encouraged to contact the Local Arrangements Chair:
Helena Fitch-Snyder, Zool. Soc. of San Diego, PO Box 120551, San Diego, CA
92112. Phone: (619) 557-3954, FAX: (619) 557-3959; E-mail
Help Wanted
Don`t forget ZooChat, it has its moments! Curators, Keepers, Vets,
Researchers letting their hair down at the end of the day. Very
lighthearted most of the time. Serious some of the time. Useful for making
contacts and generally having fun. THE BOARD is a useful place for posting
your interests.
------------ Zoo Biology To subscribe send an e-mail to: For those of you unfamiliar with Email
groups they work like this. You subscribe. You can then pose questions,
answer questions, make observations, inform or just read the Email. This
will arrive with some regularity (depending on the flow of information).
By Zoo Biology I mean anything relating to zoo management. Hediger
described this as “the science which embraced everything which was
biologically relevant to the management of the zoological garden.” The
more that join up the more effective a management tool it will become. Go
on, give it a try, and subscribe. Remember no-one will pressurize you to
contribute....but you may want to help. There is a members only chat site
attached to Zoo Biology. This appears to work quite well. I have popped in
each morning (circa 6.30 a.m. UK time) but not met anyone there yet. When
I do I will be in a position to confirm how it goes. ------------ Sites
worth checking out Have you got a suggestion? Let me check it out.
PhillyZoo OnLine Search Machine
Budongo Forest Project
Most e-mail packages will allow you to point and click on the site address
(hyperlink). This should launch your web browser and send you directly to
the site. If your package will not do this you will have to use cut and
paste. Cutting from this e-mail and pasting in your browsers address
column...then press return and away you go! The other problem you may have
is that the site address is longer than the page width. You will have to
cut and paste twice, taking care that you marry to the two halves exactly.
Some of these links are quite short lived, but I have checked them all
today and they all work.. If you have a problem, do let me know.
Zoo News Digest is sent out to a large number of interested parties
worldwide each week. I haven`t done a count lately but last time I did
over 300 different Zoos were represented. If you know of anyone who you
think would like to be included please e-mail me or get them to mail me
directly. I would appreciate just a line or two letting me know something
of work area and interests. If you would like to include notification of
any items of interest i.e. Meetings, seminars, job vacancies please
contact me. I would also appreciate any short, breaking, news items you
may pen yourself. Many thanks.
For those of you who have not received the News previously, you have been
included because someone has suggested you might be interested. If this is
not the case please email me and I shall remove your name.
Kind Regards,
Wishing you a wonderful week,
Peter Dickinson