Showing posts with label Kuwait Zoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kuwait Zoo. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

One Happy Bear

A pet shop in Kuwait seemingly can acquire anything anyone might like to purchase. Completely wrong of course. The sooner it becomes a legal requirement to pass an examination in care and husbandry before you can purchase any living creature (including cats, dogs, mice etc) the happier I will be.
They currently have a lion cub on offer and at one time had a bear.

Lion Cub

I wonder who is the most irresponsible. The pet shop for offering it for sale or whoever bred it and sold it to the pet shop. Whatever. It is wrong.

Happily there was a happier ending to the story of the bear. It was 'rescued' and placed in Kuwait Zoo. Please take a look at the video below. I believe it shows the very first time the bear was given access to the enclosure. Although quite bleak in comparison to many bear enclosures I have seen (Some of the best in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and China) the bear is undoubtedly having a really wonderful time.

The next step will be a companion and an enrichment programme, I don't doubt.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sorry Kuwait Zoo

In the editorial to my last Zoo News Digest I made a few remarks about Kuwait Zoo which were based on wrongly interpreted assumptions. How do I know?

A friend and colleague of mine has just returned from a visit to Kuwait Zoo. If it were just anybody informing me I may not believe what they had to say. He tells me that there are actually Kuwaiti keepers and supervisors within Kuwait Zoo and that they appear dedicated to their work. This includes the zoo director, Farid a Mulla Ahmad who is doing an extremely good job of work.

The newspaper article which began my suppositions had been put in the paper to draw peoples attention to their bad behaviour in the hope that it may lessen during the Eid Holidays. I do hope that it does.

Some of the things I recollect zoo visitors doing to animals and giving to animals are enough to bring a shiver down my spine and most of these would be from the UK!

So, Sorry Kuwait Zoo. My friend says you are dedicated and doing a good job. Thank you and keep up the good work. Shukran.