Sunset Over The Forum
177 Public bodies within the UK are facing the axe. Whereas I can actually see the reasoning for losing some of these others are going to me a major loss to the country. A loss of expert knowledge means a loss to all.
The United Kingdom has what is probably the finest zoo legislation in the world. An important but separate advisory arm of this is the Zoos Forum. Now this is to go. Future 'expert' knowledge may have worrying origins.
One wonders which civil servant collected together the group of bodies and said "we will get rid of this lot". Did they actually read of the work they do?
You can learn more about the work of the Zoos Forum by clicking
But I have taken the liberty of extracting the terms of reference from the website as it along with the forum will head towards extinction.
Terms of Reference
The Forum's Terms of Reference are:
•to encourage the role of zoos in conservation, education and scientific research; to keep under review the operation and implementation of the zoo licensing system in the UK and to advise or make recommendations to Ministers of any legislative or other changes that may be necessary.
The Forum can:
•investigate any specific aspects of zoo policy and practice falling within its remit;
•consider any animal-related issue where there is a specific zoo interest and offer advice on animal welfare where no other more suitable body exists through which these views could be more appropriately put;
•seek and obtain detailed advice or assistance from other persons or organisations with knowledge or experience appearing to the Forum to be relevant to its work;
•assess the evolving role of zoos in society; and foster a fuller understanding of that role;
•communicate freely with outside bodies, the European Commission and the public; and
•publish its advice independently.
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