I recall a number of years ago some halfwit promoting a fight between a tiger and a man. The man would be using karate. There was an outrage and the fight was stopped. Such exhibitions are easily staged and are neither clever nor heroic. In fact they are barbarous and cruel.
Now we have the most idiotic of ideas. Killing a lion to promote tourism. It has to be stopped. I know it would appeal to a certain part of our society but that does not make it acceptable.
This is no demonstration of strength or courage this is a promotion of idiocy and cowardice. If anything it will mark Egypt as a nation of animal offenders and turn many tourists away.
Read about it Here:
Egyptian to fight lion to promote tourism
CAIRO: In a strange and angering move by an Egyptian citizen, a lion is to be fought and killed in an effort to promote tourism to the country. The report has sparked outrage among animal welfare activists in the country, who have called on the government to intervene to stop the killing.
“This is disgusting, to fight a lion to death to raise public attention is so wrong,” one animal rights activist in Egypt said in an email to Bikya Masr detailing the situation.
According to local reports, an Egyptian citizen purchased a lion for around 25,000 Egyptian pounds – in violation of stated international wildlife regulations – and is “”to fight the lion to death with swords.”
Egyptian Arabic newspaper al-Youm al-Saba’a said the idea was to “raise public attention and media to invite tourists to Egypt.”
As of Thursday, the Egyptian government has yet to speak out on the issue and activists are hoping international animal conservation agencies will take up the cause in order to prevent the “battle” from taking place.
“It is simply shocking to me that anyone would think that the vast majority of tourists that are thinking about coming to Egypt, or are in Egypt right now, would want to see this fight actually take place,” said Helen Reese, a British national who has lived in Egypt for over two years and is an ardent animal activist.
“I just wish that there was a stronger movement to stop this cruelty,” she added.
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