I actually got to London this week, albeit to attend two TAG meetings. The
change of environment was quite refreshing and a chance to catch up on the
exploits of others. The first meeting, for the ROLTAG was well attended
with Martin Bourne in the chair. The afternoon SCTAG session was,
unfortunately, somewhat quieter with several people leaving to catch
trains and others sneaking a look round London zoo. Although a great deal
of ground was covered, I still believe it is not the actual `meetings
proper` that are the most important on days like these, but the
opportunity to meet and discuss a multitude of animal related matters over
tea/coffee and lunch. There is probably more real work gets done there
than is ever minuted. Just after lunch Lesley Harmer gave a short talk,
illustrated with slides on her visit to Senegal.(You may recall I
advertised her trip several weeks ago). She made an elegant appeal for
assistance in kind for Dakar Zoo. The zoo is clean and tidy and in the
circumstances well cared for by the staff, in particular the head keeper.
However the animals, which include chimpanzees and gorilla are sensory
deprived, as the staff lack the knowledge and expertise, and the
equipment, to implement an effective enrichment programme. It strikes me
that there must be someone out there must have the cash, time and
expertise to take two weeks out of their lives to make a lasting and
profound difference to this zoo. If you think you can help, or require
further details, then please contact Lesley direct on
lesley@footi.force9.co.uk I would do it myself, but I lack the first two.
I am sure much good publicity would attend such a project.
Opening day enchants visitors at Baton Rouge Zoo’s aquarium
Tiger with toothache gets root canal
(Oregon Zoo)
Zoo attacks
(Belfast Zoo)
Zoo coral exhibit opens up
(Toledo Zoo)
Second black rhino calf at zoo
(Western Plains Zoo)
Bengal tiger cub gets a meal
(Buenos Aires Zoo)
Chinese Bird Lays Second Japanese Egg
(Japanese Conservation Centre)
Pittsburgh Zoo Announces Something Fishy
(sounds brilliant!)
28- 1999/0000921493&EDATE=
Heritage Zoo faces possible funding cuts
No monkey business yet
(Philadelphia Zoo)
No plans to build zoo in Pahang
An Indonesian paper which I have been unable to locate has allegedly
reported the death of at least 37 Proboscis monkeys in Surabaya Zoo.
Deaths have been attributed to incorrect diet. The animals were part of a
number which have been removed for unknown reasons from Kaget Island off
the coast of Borneo. Mystery surrounds the disappearance of the remaining
animals on Kaget, formerly believed to number around 250, only about 10
remain! (If anyone has further details I would be pleased to hear)
Vietnam’s Primate Refuge
Zoo builds home for lesser-known pandas
(Sacramento Zoo)
4 Siberian tiger cubs' genes great, keeper says
(Minnesota Zoo)
Zoo Tiger Gives Birth To Four Cubs
(Minnesota Zoo)
Duluth's wandering kangaroo, Mel, dies
(Lake Superior Zoo)
Retired lab primates cause health concerns
Colony of escaped mammals worries wildlife officers
Pacific killer whales and others added to endangered list
Doomed skunks leave stink on Tories
Bit & Pieces
Jennifer Chatfield has recently started up an egroup for gorilla keepers.
Those interested can subscribe by sending a blank message to
had four Amur tiger cubs born on Tuesday, 27 April. They have a camera
mounted in the "nursery" exhibit and also in the den. Photos from these
cameras are available on the web (the photos are refreshed every 90
seconds), so visitors to the web site who have witnessed the birth and
can now watch the cubs grow and develop. The web site address for our
Tiger Cam is: www.mnzoo.com/partners/mnzoo/tigercam.html ----------- The
Houston zoo has an infrared camera in a Rhino Hornbill Nestbox that is
accessible on the internet. The two eggs hatched on the 24th and 28th of
April and the chicks are very visible and active. The image is live and
updated every two seconds. The address is: www.chron.com/birdcam
---------- The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of ABWAK was celebrated in style
at the new Education Building at Marwell Zoological Park on 17th - 18th
April 1999. The contractors moved out of the building hours before we
arrived but everything was up and running in what is a very impressive
eco-friendly building. Nearly eighty delegates were attracted to the
event including representatives from German and Dutch keeper associations.
Presentations spanned the past, present and future of zoological
collections with emphasis
based on veterinary care, nutrition, enrichment, education and in-situ and
ex-situ conservation. Roger Wheater retired as President of the
Association and Miranda Stevenson was voted to replace him, a post she was
delighted to accept! Delegates were offered tours around the largely
hoofstock collection, the highlight being the new White Rhino calf. Some
of us were lucky enough to be given a behind the scene tour of the new
Giraffe House with the elevated walkway giving us a different perspective
of Giraffe life! Many thanks to all of the Marwell staff and the
Education department for all of their help in making the event a success.
Thank you!! by Luke Gates. ----------- Edinburgh Zoo - “Captive Animal
Behaviour And Welfare” - International Summer School running from 5-16th
July. For further information email :amy.middlemass@ed.ac.uk -----------
Zoo Staff Personals
Following a suggestion I am including Zoo Staff Personals. Although the
scope is large I see it more as a place to appeal for accomodation when
doing the “Grand Zoo Tour”.
Situations Vacant
(please mention you saw the advertisement in Zoo News Digest should you
apply for any of these posts, many thanks)
Loro Parque
The World’s largest parrot collection (300 different species) is searching
for a Veterinary! Amongst the usual qualifications, you should have
experience on medical examinations, diagonosis and therapies as well as
surgery on parrots and penguins. The position requires supervision of sea
and zoo mammals and aquarium fish, preparedness to work in a team and
scientific interest. Languages: English, Spanish and German We offer good
teamwork with our permanent stationed Veterinary and international
experts, our own bird clinic and laboratory. Official residence available.
Salary according to qualifications Please send your application to Loro
Parque, Mr. Wolfgang Kiessling Crtr. Punta Brava 38400 Puerto de la Cruz
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain Fax# 00334 922 37 50 21 e-mail:
loroparque@jet.es ----------- Monkey World - Ape Rescue Centre requires a
Primate Keeper. An experienced primate keeper is required who ideally has
a background working with apes and South American primates. A City &
Guilds Certificate in Zoo Animal Management or a higher level certificate
is desirable though not essential. The successful applicant will be
required to give keeper`s talks to the visitors. Applications in writing
including a full CV should be sent to ; The Keeper`s Position, Monkey
World - Ape Rescue Centre, Longthorns, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6HH
---------- Marine Mammal Promotions has a vacancy for a sealion
keeper/trainer to start as soon as possible. Any interested parties should
contact James Betts on 07977 075444 ---------- Hamerton Zoological Park
near Huntingdon, invites applications for junior keepers to join their
team. Flexibility is essential for general duties within their varied,
expanding collection. Some previous animal experience would be useful as
would a full driving licence. Letters of application should be hand
written and include full details, references and CV to : Hamerton Zoo
Park, Hamerton, nr Sawtry, Cambs. PE17 5RE ----------- Birdland Park &
Gardens have a vacancy for a Head Keeper. Applicants must have a minimum
of five years working in Aviculture, preferably with some supervisory
experience. Single accomodation (flat) is available. Please apply in
writing with full CV to: Simon Blackwell, Birdland, Bourton on the Water,
Gloucestershire, GLS4 2BN ---------- Suffolk Wildlife Park have vacancies
with single accommodation for Trainee and Experienced Animal Keepers.
Trainees should ideally have some zoo experience though this is not
essential. Experienced Keepers would be preferred to have the City &
Guilds Certificate in Zoo Animal Management. Please send full CV with hand
written covering letter to : Terry Hornsey, Head Keeper, Suffolk Wildlife
Park, Kessingland, Suffolk. NR33 7SL ---------- Borth Animalarium nr.
Aberystwyth is looking for an animal keeper to work in their small mixed
collection. Experience with primates would be an advantage as would a
certificate in Animal Management. Apply in writing, including CV to The
Manager, Borth Animalarium, Borth, Ceredigion. Telephone 01970 871224 for
further details. ----------- Animal Keeper...Job requires Bachelors'
degree and minimum 5 years' zoological experience. Position requires
animal husbandry skills, animal training, giving educational tours,
exhibit design and construction, landscape and exhibit maintenance. Must
be willing to work outdoors and weekends/holidays. Mechanical skills and
physical strength necessary. Non- smoker only. Salary commensurate with
experience. Position to be filled ASAP. Fax resumé to Kangaroo
Conservation Center 770-475-6001, e-mail to: Roofarm@aol.com, or mail to:
222 Bailey-Waters Rd., Dawsonville, GA USA 30534. Please include e-mail
address or fax number with resumé where you can be reached. View our
website at: www.kangaroocenter.com ---------- The Scientific Center -
Kuwait is looking for suitably qualified candidates to take up short term
(2 year) resident appointments. The work involves starting up and
operating a new world- class institution containing a large
Desert/Aquarium facility that focuses on the regional ecosystem and
cultural heritage of Kuwait. The following hands-on positions include
collecting activities, developing animal husbandry programmes, and
training of the local staff. Excellent salary and benefits.
General Curator-requires a university or higher degree in biological
sciences or related fields and eight years` practical aquarium experience
with minimum five years supervisory and management experience in all
phases of animal husbandry, engineering and education during start-up and
operational periods. Principally responsible for all department
activities including management of the entire animal collection, personnel
and budgets.
Curator of desert collection - requires university degree in zoology or
related field and five years` practical zoo experience in all phases of
animal husbandry and exhibit management. Primarily responsible for the
management of a diverse desert animal collection including mammals, birds,
reptiles and invertebrates.
Senior aquarist of invertebrate collection - requires university degree in
marine biology or related field and two years` practical aquarium
experience in animal husbandry and exhibit maintenance. Responsible for
the supervision of the aquatic collection including live corals,
jellyfish, cuttlefish and other marine invertebrates.
Send letter of introduction and resume to IDEA Inc., P.O.Box 3504,
Salmiya, Kuwait 22036 or fax to +965 571-7371 ----------- ASSISTANT ZOO
NUTRITIONIST/ Wildlife Conservation Society Requires MS in Animal Science
(nutrition emphasis), Nutrition, or Wildlife Ecology; PhD and /or
demonstrated interest in Comparative Nutrition preferred. Must have
experience in diet formulation or research with wildlife feeding
management, and /or commissary supervision in a zoological institution.
Will assist with diet review, foodstuff quality assessment, and economic
evaluation of Nutrition programs for all facilities served by the Zoo
Nutrition Center of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Expected to also
conduct, advise, publish, and present scientific papers on research topics
involving comparative animal nutrition. Salary commensurate with
experience. Housing subsidy possible. Position closes June 1st to begin
July 15th. Send resume and letter of intent to Wildlife Conservation
Society, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10460, Att: Ellen
Dierenfeld. ----------- For the most up to date links to sites advertising
Zoo work go to: http://members.tripod.com/~Sciurus/index.html
30th Annual Conference and Workshop of the International Association of
Aquatic Animal Medicine 2 - 5 May 1999 Boston Massachusetts For further
information contact : ecoleman@neaq.org
Pan African Association Of Zoological Gardens, Aquaria And Botanic
Gardens (PAAZAB).
Notice of forthcoming AGM and Conference.
5 - 7 May 1999
Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town, South Africa
For further information please contact MICHELLE MURPHY (PAAZAB
Secretariat) at murphy@pixie.co.za
Details and registration forms are available now from this email address.
Symposium on the Dingo
8 May 1999, Hallstrom Theatre, The Australian Museum, Sydney, 9.30am to
5.00pm. Major Sponsor: The Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
The status of the dingo in parts of its Australian range has been the
subject of much recent conservation concern. Recent developments in New
South Wales have increased opportunities to maintain dingoes as pets, but
legislative changes make wild dogs potentially subject to control orders
that are binding on the Crown. This forum brings together experts
interested in the dingo to discuss questions of dingo status, identity,
impacts, functions, control and management. There will be some focus on
the dingo in NSW, but not to the exclusion of broadly-based issues.
Audience participation is invited in the final hour of the days
proceedings. There will be rapid publication of the presentations of
invited speakers. Registration is $50 (RZS members $20) and will include
refreshments and lunch on the day. Registration forms and further details
are available at http://www.acay.com.au/~hickson/zoology/dingo.htm or may
be obtained from Chris Dickman, School of Biological Sciences, University
of Sydney, NSW 2006; phone 9351 2318; fax 9351 4119, email
39th International Symposium on the Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals
May 12 - 16, 1999
Vienna / Austria
contact: office@zoovienna.at
or: froelich@izw-berlin.de
Federation of Zoos Annual Conference
13-15 May 1999
Bristol Zoo Gardens
For further information contact:
AZA Legislative Conference
Announce the 1999 AZA Legislative Conference. It will take place Monday
and Tuesday, 17- 18 May in Silver Spring, MD. Events will include a day
of workshops addressing a variety of legislative issues relevant to zoos
and aquariums, and a day of visits to Congressional Members for those who
are interested. There will be dinner and cocktails on Monday evening. The
Conference will take place at the Holiday Inn in Silver Spring, MD,
located at 8777 Georgia Ave. There will be a registration fee of $50,
payable to AZA, to help defray the cost of meals. The hotel room rate is
$95 per night; please mention that you will be attending the AZA
Conference. You can make reservations by calling 301-589-0800. The
cut-off date for reservations is 27 April. If you have any questions about
the Legislative Conference, please contact Leah Tomlins at (301) 562-0777
ext. 230; LTomlins@aza.org. We look forward to seeing you all in May!
5th European congress of the AAV (Association of Avian Veterinarian)
May17- 22 1999 Pisa, Italy. For futher details contact Mrs. Daniela Romeo
< newteam.parma@iol.it > or Dr Lorenzo Crosta < birdvet@iol.it Second Annual Parrot Symposium May 21-23, 1999 Victoria, BC, Canada Confirmed Speakers: Dr. Margaret Wissman, Joanne Abramson, Chris Davis, Jos Hubers, Eric Peake, Gillian Willis and more... Registration: $200 Also a continuing education program for veterinarians and technicians, commercial booths, banquet, auction and more. Excess profits will be donated to parrot research. Last year a donation was made to Dr. Branson Ritchie for his research on PDD. If you need any further information, please visit our web site (register on-line!) at: http://www.islandnet.com/~2parrot 7th World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species May 22 - 26 1999 Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio, USA for more details contact: Grace Rettig (Fax 1-513-559-7791) or E-mail : donna.oehler@cincyzoo.org ECM 3rd European Congress of Mammalogy May 30- June 4 1999 Jyvaskyla, Finland For further details contact : congresses@conf.jyu.fi Old World Monkey Taxonomic Advisory Group (OWMTAG) June 4, 5 and 6, 1999 Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City, Utah The meetings are open to anyone interested in these animals and/or programs. Everyone planning to attend the meetings should contact Kimberly Davidson (email: kdavidson@hoglezoo.org or phone (801) 584-1703 or FAX (801) 584-1762. An anticipated attendance list will then be generated and a tentative itinerary will be mailed. The meetings are scheduled to begin at 8:30 am on Friday, June 4th and continue through Sunday, June 6th at Utah's Hogle Zoo. British Veterinary Zoological Society The Spring Meeting will be held on June 5/6th 1999 at Paignton Zoological and Botanical Gardens,Paignton,Devon.The theme will be "Recent advances in Enviromental enrichment,Nutrition and Legislation of Zoo and Exotic Pet Animals". Further details of the programme and accomodation can be obtained from Derek Lyon BVSc MRCVS "Brackenwood" 67,Wynnstay Lane, Marford, Wrexham, North Wales LL12 8LH.Tel 01978 852866 Fax 01978 852065 email dglyon9@aol.com Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and Ireland Research Group One Day Symposium on Zoo Research 10th June 1999 Paignton Zoo Environmental Park Paignton, Devon This symposium aims to bring together researchers working within zoological gardens. Most such researchers are students and it is hoped that they, in particular, will offer to give presentations and that we can generate a supportive and encouraging atmosphere for them. However, presentations by more experienced scientists are also very welcome. There is no restriction on the scientific discipline discussed but presentations must include recent results of research conducted wholly or mostly within zoos. The registration fee is £10 including tea/coffee and lunch. The symposium will start at 9.30am at the earliest and papers will be approximately 20 minutes each. If there is enough interest, we will be happy to arrange tours of Paignton Zoo with members of our Science Department on the afternoon of 9th June. If you would like to present a paper or poster please submit a title as soon as possible using the enclosed registration form and a 300 word abstract (by email if possible) before the 30th April 1999. All details can be obtained either via Paignton Zoo on email amy@paigntonzoo.demon.co.uk or the Federation office on email fedzoo@zsl.org. Fig-Parrot Captive Husbandry Workshop At Currumbin Sanctuary, Queensland, Australia 22-23rd June 1999 Currumbin Sanctuary will be hosting a workshop on the captive husbandry of Fig-Parrots 22- 23rd June 1999. This will be following the "Birds 99" convention being held in Brisbane 18- 21st June 1999. The aim of the workshop is to have as many breeders of Fig-Parrots and other interested people together as possible. At the workshop it is envisaged that in working groups a comprehensive Husbandry Manual will be compiled. The husbandry manual will cover all aspects of housing, breeding, feeding and health. The two day workshop will be held at Currumbin Sanctuary at a cost of $50.00 per person which covers morning and afternoon tea and lunch on both days as well as a copy of the husbandry manual. Currumbin Sanctuary is located on the Gold Coast one hour's drive south from Brisbane. Accommodation is readily available in the area and Coolangatta Airport is only five minutes away. People unable to attend but who may be able to offer information are encouraged to supply their information and in return they will receive a copy of the workshop results. Following the workshop there is a post workshop trip to North Queensland with world renown parrot expert Joe Forshaw. The trip will include 2 full days in Cairns/Kuranda followed by 5 days in Iron Range on Cape York. This trip of a lifetime will afford those participants a wonderful time looking at wild Fig-Parrots (Macleay's & Marshall's), Palm Cockatoos, Red- cheeked Parrots and Eclectus Parrots to name just a small selection. Spaces are limited to 15 people so if interested please contact Liz Romer ASAP. For information on both the workshop and post workshop tour please contact Liz Romer Currumbin Sanctuary 28 Tomewin St Currumbin Qld Australia 4223 Fax +61 7 5534 7427 Phone +61 7 5525 0197 Email lromer@currumbin-sanctuary.org.au For information on Birds 99 contact The Registrar, Birds 99, PO Box 600, Nundah Qld 4012 Australia. Fax +61 7 5498 9914. 2nd International Wildlife Management Congress 28 June - 2 July 1999 Godollo, Hungary For further details contact : tws@wildlife.org PR & Marketing in Zoos »Marketing Zoos beyond 2000: Amsterdam« The second conference on PR & Marketing, 3 rd. June thru 6th June 1999, is now taking shape. The conference committee have now finalized the draft for the conference, and you may obtain a sneeky preview by contacting one of the organizers at hju@aalborg-zoo.dk and have the program sent as Corell WordPerfect 6/7/8-file or MS Word 6/7-file (please state which system you use). Program will be in the mail by mid-April for those who have received the first call, and by then all the names of the speakers will be confirmed. In the mail will also be yet another registration form, should the first have gone astray. If you require further information at this time please contact Henning Julin, Director of Aalborg Zoo on : aal-zoo@post4.tele.dk. The 1999 meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) University of Washington, Seattle June 20-24 1999 This will include spoken and poster sessions on marine mammals. The ASM Marine Mammal Committee has also organised a symposium at the event entitled 'Marine Mammals: The Next Century'. For more information, contact : Paul Anderson, Chair, ASM Marine Mammal Committee at pkanders@cadvision.com Animal Behavior Society June 26-30 Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA USA see website for more details http://www.cisab.indiana.edu/ABS/ 10th Arctic Ungulate Conference August 9 - 12 1999 University of Tromso, Norway For further information contact : eling@fagmed.uit.no American Federation of Aviculture 25th Annual Convention August 12 - 15, 1999 Adams-Mark Hotel Denver,Colorado Further details available in January,1999 Email: rmsa@altavista.net,doms4afa@aol.com,or stat@wizard.net Info on web site early 1999: http://www.upatsix.com/afa/ V111th European Bat Research Symposium August 23 - 27 1999 Cracow Poland Chiropterology Information Centre 30- 016 Krakow Poland email woloszbr@isez.pan.krakow.pl ph +4812/422-64-10 fax+4812/422-42-94 Fourth International Enrichment Conference 29th August - 3rd September 1999 Edinburgh, Scotland. Details are now available from the Shape of Enrichment website: http://www.enrichment.org The Shape of Enrichment, Inc is pleased to announce a grant of $1,000 U.S. to be used towards expenses to attend The Fourth International Conference on Environmental Enrichment. The winning paper will be presented during the conference. More details of this from the enrichment site. 16th EAZA/EEP Annual Conference Basel Zoo, Switzerland September 8 - 12 1999 For further information contact : EAZA offices 26th National Conference of the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc. September 12 - 16 1999 Portland, Oregon Hosted by the Portland AAZK Chapter and The Oregon Zoo. For information contact: Jan McCoy, The Oregon Zoo, 4001 S.W. Canyon Rd., Portland, OR 97221. Fax: (503) 226-6836 European Zoo Educators (EZE) Conference Safari Beekse Bergen; Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands 16 - 20 September 1999 For further details contact: Chris Peters; IZE-Regional Representative for Europe/Middle-East e-mail: Rob.Belterman@inter.nl.net Veterinary conference on Australian Wildlife Western Plains Zoo, Australia September 13 - 17, 1999. Topics include zoonoses, medicine and surgery of macropods, reptiles, bats, native birds and amphibia as well as pest control and assisted reproduction. Interested parties can contact : David Blyde on dblyde@tpgi.com.au Waterfowl Information Network-International Conference 16-17 September 1999 The Royal Veterinary College, London For further information please contact : win@rvc.ac.uk VI International Symposium on the Preservation of the Przewalski Horse 5 - 7 October 1999 Kyiv, Askania-Nova For further details contact : root@iz.freenet.kiev.ua CBSG Annual Meeting 15 - 17 October 1999 Pretoria, South Africa For further details contact : office@cbsg.org World Zoo Organisation Annual Conference 18 - 21 October 1999 Pretoria, South Africa For further details contact : Sarita Cronje, National Zoo, P.O.Box 754, Pretoria 0001, South Africa. (Fax 27-12-323-4540) Research and Captive Propagation in Birds Antwerp Zoo October 21-23 1999 For Further info : mettke@erl.ornithol.mpg.de 29th North American Symposium on Bat Research October 27-30 1999 Maddison Wisconsin USA Tom Griffiths Dept of Biology, Illinois Weslean University, Bloomington IL 61702 Ph 309-536-3230 fax 309-536-3411 email tgriff@titan.iwu.edu British and Irish Zoo Educators Conference (BIZE) Fota Wildlife Park, Co. Cork, Ireland 18-21 November 1999 The conference organiser is Lynda McSweeney tel 00353 21 812 678 or fax 00353 21 812 744 The 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, organised by the Society for Marine Mammalogy, will be held from 29 November to 3 December 1999 in Kihei, Hawaiian Islands. The deadline for abstracts is 1 June and for workshop proposals 1 March. For further information contact Gene Nitta, Conference Chair, at
or Paul Nachtigall, Scientific Program Chair, at
"Zoo-Kunft 2000"
25 - 27 February 2000
Allwetterzoo Münster
The main theme will be "The Human (and) Apes in zoos and the wild".
Speakers are not yet fixed. Registration and further information (when
available) is at the web site at :
Third International Asian Hornbill Workshop
The Third International Asian Hornbill Workshop will be held in April/May
2000 in Singapore, with a post-workshop excursion to the Budo & Hala-Bala
Research Site, south Thailand. If you are interested in attending, please
write to either: Ms Ng Bee Choo, c/o Nature's Niche, Bukit Timah Nature
Reserve Visitor Centre, 177 Hindhede Drive, Singapore 589333. Tel, +65
4636571, fax +65 4636572, e.mail nniche@singnet.com.sg or Dr Pilai
Poonswad, Hornbill Project Thailand, c/o Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Science, Mahidol Unversity, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400,
Thailand. Fax +66 26445411, e.mail scpps@mucc.mahidol.ac.th.
“The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century”
May 10 -14 2000
Hilton, Lisle/Naperville
Hosted by The Chicago Zoological Society, (Brookfield Zoo)
A unique conference focusing on the apes of the world. It is hoped to
bring together researchers, zoo personnel and field biologists from all
over the world. Keynote speakers include Dr. David Chivers for lesser
apes, Dr. Carel van Schaik for Orangutans, Dr. Gay Reinartz for Bonobos,
Dr. Claudia Olejniczak for Gorillas and Dr. Toshisada Nishida for
Chimpanzees. Additional information and details regarding conference
registration will be announced in mid May.
Fourth International Penguin Conference
Coquimbo, Chile
September 4 - 8 2000
For Further info :
Help Wanted
My name is Monica and I am a primate keeper at the Fort Worth Zoo. I am
putting together a research paper on all nine species of gibbons
(including Siamangs). Anyone with (old) extra copies of articles, or
photos that reveal distinguishing characteristics between the
species/sexes, housing designs or enrichment items, that you may be
willing to part with may contact me at the address below. You will receive
full credit for photo submissions, etc. I am especially interested in
obtaining an article written bOr, perhaps, you could point me in the right
direction as to where I can find articles/photos. I would also be very
interested in talking with those of you who keep any species of gibbon to
discuss husbandry, diet/nutrition, enrichment, management, etc. Thanks in
advance! Monica Olivera Fort Worth Zoo 1989 Colonial Parkway Fort Worth,
TX 76110 USA phone:817-871-7000 e-mail: Kambula@discoverymail.com
----------- TO WHOM WOULD LIKE TO HELP Sofia Zoo is reconstructing a
building for the use of Education Centre and Visitors' Hall in our Zoo.
Untill now, we do not have a education facility which could be used all
year round. Regretfully we do not have enough funds to finish the
building. As you may know, being an Eastern European country we lack of
appropriate funding and we use our budget only on animal care. If any
institution could help us with finding funds for finishing the Education
Centre building and for building some new enclosures on original plans we
would be very gratefull!!! Please help us, we are doing our best to
continue ahead nevertheless all difficulties! Any help, even as books
would be received with gratitute. For more details about the projects and
the Zoo, please contact: Diana Zlatanova, Head of Education and research,
Sofia Zoo, Bulgaria E-mail: zlite@mbox.infotel.bg or Sofia Zoo Srebarna1,
P.O.B 67 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria tel.+359 2 68 20 43 fax+359 2 68 32 02
------------ Volunteers needed for Bear Project. Needed asap a volunteer
to be involved with the rehabilitation, and conditioning of bears at
Lopburi Zoo in Thailand. If anyone is interested please e-mail Dave Ware
at volunteers@pobox.com ---------- I would like to offer my labour for
free, in return for gaining experience. I am already very experienced with
all reptiles (even venomous), I currently work voluntary at Bangor
University in the reptile house and aquarium, I also maintain a small
collection of breeding snakes at home. I am a member of the IHS and BHS
and attend lectures of the IHS yearly. I am currently taking my A-levels
and I hope to be able to go to Australia to study Herpetology. I would
like to build up alot of experience, as it counts for a lot on university
applications. I am hard working, listen to all instructions, care about
reptiles and there welfare and will not mess you about if offered work..
I will gladly send anyone my CV on request. Thank you Gareth Dixon
gareths@dixons.freeuk.com ------------ Don`t forget ZooChat, it has its
moments! Curators, Keepers, Vets, Researchers letting their hair down at
the end of the day. Very lighthearted most of the time. Serious some of
the time. Useful for making contacts and generally having fun. THE BOARD
is a useful place for posting your interests.
http://ns.awebpresence.com/cgi-lasmith/ZCboard.pl ------------ Zoo Biology
To subscribe send an e-mail to: zoo-biology-subscribe@egroups.com For
those of you unfamiliar with Email groups they work like this. You
subscribe. You can then pose questions, answer questions, make
observations, inform or just read the Email. This will arrive with some
regularity (depending on the flow of information). By Zoo Biology I mean
anything relating to zoo management. Hediger described this as “the
science which embraced everything which was biologically relevant to the
management of the zoological garden.” The more that join up the more
effective a management tool it will become. Go on, give it a try, and
subscribe. Remember no-one will pressurize you to contribute....but you
may want to help. There is a members only chat site attached to Zoo
Biology. This appears to work quite well. I have popped in each morning
(circa 6.30 a.m. UK time) but not met anyone there yet. When I do I will
be in a position to confirm how it goes. ------------ Sites worth checking
out Have you got a suggestion? Let me check it out.
I liked this one. The tortoise information was of interest and the zoo
veterinary photos too.
Project GOLDEN CONURE (Aratinga guarouba) at
Breeding program and wildlife research.
Most e-mail packages will allow you to point and click on the site address
(hyperlink). This should launch your web browser and send you directly to
the site. If your package will not do this you will have to use cut and
paste. Cutting from this e-mail and pasting in your browsers address
column...then press return and away you go! The other problem you may have
is that the site address is longer than the page width. You will have to
cut and paste twice, taking care that you marry to the two halves exactly.
Some of these links are quite short lived, but I have checked them all
today and they all work.. If you have a problem, do let me know.
Zoo News Digest is sent out to a large number of interested parties
worldwide each week. I haven`t done a count lately but last time I did
over 300 different Zoos were represented. If you know of anyone who you
think would like to be included please e-mail me or get them to mail me
directly. I would appreciate just a line or two letting me know something
of work area and interests. If you would like to include notification of
any items of interest i.e. Meetings, seminars, job vacancies please
contact me. I would also appreciate any short, breaking, news items you
may pen yourself. Many thanks.
For those of you who have not received the News previously, you have been
included because someone has suggested you might be interested. If this is
not the case please email me and I shall remove your name.
Kind Regards,
Wishing you a wonderful week,
Peter Dickinson
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